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Amina Rose Moore

I picked up a pair of panties and threw them in my basket, walking around the display making sure that I looked at all my options before I made my way to another section of the store.

I decided to come to the mall after class today to do some self care so now I'm at Victoria Secret taking advantage of the deal.

After making sure that I looked over all the panties, I made my way to the lingerie just to see what was new. Not that I had anybody or any reason to wear it but who doesn't like a good sexy photoshoot every now and then?

I decided on a few of the items that I liked & finally made my way to check out.

"Here's your receipt, have a nice day!" The Cashier announced handing me my bag as well as my receipt. I gave her a small smile.

"Thank you, you too"

"Where should I go next?" I hummed to myself standing outside of the store looking around.

Shrugging, I decided to just walk around and go wherever I saw pop up first.

I had passed up a few stores, none that caught my attention until I saw James Avery. I could get a new charm for my bracelet and a new ring, so I'll stop in there.

As I turned the corner I heard my name being called.


I turned around to see Blondie speed walking to me.

"What are you doing at the mall?" She asked and I gave her a blank stare.

"Um..I don't know shopping? What the fuck does it look like?" I replied making her laugh dryly.

"This mouth of yours...it definitely could be put to better use pretty girl" She mumbled the last part, making me roll my eyes.

I know she's not implying that I could e- never mind.

"How'd you even know it was me? You couldn't even see my face Blondie" I raised my eyebrow, awaiting her answer.

"I know what you look like from behind. Wasn't hard to recognize at all... and my name is Paige..or PB works too" She mugged me adding the last part.

"Hm. I guess, okay Blondie" I replied getting ready to walk away before she grabbed my waist.

I went to say something but she beat me to it. I don't think I can hear her though, I think this is our first time touching.

Stay focused Amina, stay focused! Say it with me We are NOT in the market for heartbreak.

"Did you hear me??" Paige waived her hand in my face

"Uh, what? No. What'd you say?" I broke myself out my thoughts as she laughed.

"What did you buy from Victoria Secret?" she repeated causing me to scoff.

"You'll never know" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

I made it to James Avery and realized that she had followed me into the store. Sigh. Blondie is extremely persistent and I'm supposed to be staying focused so this will be harder than I thought.

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