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Amina Moore

"WOW! Mina, you out here being grown kissing PB and shit" KK yelled jokingly making everybody laugh.

I gave her a death glare and she put her hands up in defense. "Are you gonna tell the whole damn world Kamorea? Oh my gosh" I rolled my eyes, leaning up against the wall.

"I'm just appalled at your behavior tonight, who knew all it took was for PB to get a little rowdy for your coochie to get we-"

I punched her in the shoulder making her wince and grab it. "Damn, okay. I'll shut up" She sighed, making everybody laugh at her.

"Yeah, mind y'all business" Paige said coming in to the kitchen where the group was, I rolled my eyes out of instinct causing her to raise an eyebrow questionably.

Paige walked over to where I was standing on the wall and pulled a chair in front of me and sat between my legs.

"Are you back to hating me already?" She questioned, with an amused facial expression and I shrugged.

"I don't know, I'm starting to think you just like kissing me." She continued, making me roll my eyes again.

"Girl, please" I scoffed and she laughed.

"It's okay to admit it pretty. Let's get rid of the attitude though, hm?" Paige stated placing her hands on the sides of my hips rubbing in small circles.

I looked down at her as she rubbed the exposed skin on my sides in small circles, feeling like the small attitude I had immediately left my body as soon as she started touching me.

Though, I was annoyed with myself because she shouldn't even have that effect on me. I kinda like it. Her touch was assertive but gentle.

She was creating a puddle in my panties right now and she doesn't even know it.

"Okay" I responded making her smile and nod a little bit.

"Gimme a kiss" she demanded pulling me by the front of my pants making my heartbeat speed up.

When you're a "nonchalant/mean" girl like me, it's kinda hard for somebody to make me sweat & the fact that she always has me sweating is extremely concerning. I know I'm in for a wild ride if I allow this blonde in my life.

"Paige, we're in public" I pointed out and she scoffed.

"I don't give a fuck, let em' watch. I wanna kiss you baby" She muttered, running her fingers up my sides.

Baby does something to my soul every time.

I leaned down to her level with full intentions on giving her a quick peck, but she had other plans. Paige grabbed my throat as I pulled away, connecting our lips again and she let her tongue roam all around my mouth occasionally biting my bottom lip.

I whimpered into the kiss, feeling myself grow more and more needy of attention. She was kissing me with so much hunger and passion it's like she was trying to prove a point and I had forgotten we were in a room full of people.

I pulled away first a little out of breath from our mini-make out session.

"Paige" I said, but it came out more whiny than I anticipated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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