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Amina Moore

I rolled over to check my phone and immediately locked it back. I saw KK had texted me about going to one of the men's basketball mixers with the team and I just mentally rolled my eyes.

It had been about a week since my last "encounter" with Paige and I was honestly dreading seeing her again. I just have to tell keep myself away from her and alcohol because obviously all my senses fly out the window if around her if I have alcohol in my system.

I've been busy with classes so I haven't seen the team since that last party so I'm sure KK wouldn't let me decline even if I wanted to so I just hopped out of bed and began to get dressed.

The mixer is just a social event, kind of like a party but happens during the day and everyone just mingles and drinks. It's less wild, from what I've heard but I have a feeling it'll be the opposite actually.

I responded to KK and told her to come pick me up because I didn't feel like driving and she agreed saying she'd be here in an hour leaving me to scramble to get dressed.

Right on time I finished getting ready and made my way out to KK's car and was greeted by KK,Azzi and my mortal enemy it seems like.

"Hey Mina! I haven't seen you in forever omg!" Azzi screeched causing me to laugh and nod.

"Yeah, I've been busy as hell with my classes!" I responded and she nodded her head signaling that she understood me.

"Right! I was starting to think you cut us off or something" KK joked and I rolled my eyes at her.

"KK don't start with me" I laughed and she threw her hands up in defense and focused on the road.

"Hmm. Hey Paige" I spoke feeling her staring at me.

"Hey pretty girl" She laughed and directed her attention on to her phone making me roll my eyes again.


"Azzi take my pictures" I handed my phone to her and she began snapping them. I was posing for them, until I felt a pair of eyes on me the whole time.

"Can I help you? The hell" I mumbled grabbing my phone back from Azzi deciding which ones to post.

"There go that mouth again...maybe you need a reminder" She whispered, brushing her lips slightly across my neck almost causing a sound to come out of my mouth.

She laughed at the reaction she got out of me which only made me more annoyed with the Blonde. I need to get my ass out this car.

"Alright, let's find everybody else"KK stated as she put the car in park.

"Alright, let's find everybody else"KK stated as she put the car in park

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