Chapter 2 - Y/n Meets DogDay

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(Authors POV)

After Y/n was put to sleep by CatNap's sleeping gas, he was soon sent into the Dream Realm as Y/n found himself in a strange new world that is a beautiful forest area filled with trees, pretty flowers and bushes before Y/n took a good look at his hands that made him gasp in shock that they both look completely different.

He looked for something to see his reflection at until he spotted a pond nearby as he ran over there to take a look at himself. Then when he took a good look at himself from his reflection on the pond as he is both surprised and shocked to see himself as....

A cartoon!

Y/n: Ah, I'm a cartoon!

Y/n had never thought about seeing himself as a cartoon character like the ones that he saw on TV at Home Sweet Home as everything around him felt real.

A little bit too real to be exact as he tried pinching and slapping himself in order to wake up, which didn't wake him up at all since pinching or slapping yourself inside a dream is one of the best ways to wake up.

Then he tried flying like a superhero or try to lift up a big rock or log to see if he super strength, but nothing happened as Y/n can't seem to control his own dream.

Y/n: Am I dreaming? But if this is a dream, then why I can't I control it to do anything I want? This is so weird.

So Y/n decides to go explore through the forest to see what he might find in the forest as he went down the dirt path to see if anything interesting happens in his dream.

???: FETCH!

Then Y/n heard something behind some bushes in some grassy plains along with catching the scent of lavander and...vanilla? This actually piques Y/n's curiosity as he slowly, yet quietly hide behind the bushes to get a closer look as he spotted CatNap in her cartoon form that seems to be playing catch with an orange dog wearing overalls and with a sun pendant that look so happy and energetic like a ray of sunshine.

vanilla? This actually piques Y/n's curiosity as he slowly, yet quietly hide behind the bushes to get a closer look as he spotted CatNap in her cartoon form that seems to be playing catch with an orange dog wearing overalls and with a sun pendant ...

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Orange Dog: Go! Go! As far you can!

The orange dog was expecting CatNap to go catch the ball, but she was just standing there with her tail swishing around as the orange dog soon became both confused and concerned for CatNap as she is just standing there like a statue or rooted to the ground.

Orange Dog: Why are you...just standing there?

Then Y/n hide back in the bushes when he saw CatNap turned her head to directly look at the bushes that Y/n is hiding in right now as Y/n remained quiet and didn't move a muscle, hoping that CatNap didn't see him when she looked at the bushes that Y/n is currently hiding right now. But then, Y/n heard the sound of footsteps coming over to the bush as Y/n does his best to stay quiet.

Orange Dog: Where are you going, CatNap?

Then Y/n waited for a moment before he peaked out of the bush to see CatNap staring at him with a happy smile on her face and he can tell that CatNap's pupils dilated the moment she saw Y/n hiding in the bush as she used her tail to pull him out of the bushes and brought him over to her to give him a big hug with her nuzzling his cheek while purring that is tickling Y/n to make him laugh from the softness of CatNap's fur.

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