Prologue I: The Beginning

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The real world, 13 years ago...

It was a normal day but somewhere in a house, two brothers were talking about USBs as they entered the younger brothers room out of the two.

???: I'm sorry, you got them from where again?

??? 2: I got them from EB Games.

???: You got the USBs... from EB Games?

??? 2: Yeah, they were on 25% off plus they look cool. Don't you think?

??? 2 said as he showed him the 4 USBs which had all had different colours and kinda looked cool to ??? but he was still sceptical.

???: They look kinda cool but still this seems really strange, Luke.

Luke: Oh, how so?

???: Well, for starters they were 25% off at EB Games plus they don't seem to be from any type of media we've watched or know. Also are you sure, this is safe? Because for all, we know there could be viruses in these USBs.

??? said as he saw Luke put the 4 USBs on the table next to a USB connecter then he turns around to look at ???.

???: You worry too much, Kevin. You really think I wouldn't know if there were viruses in them.

Kevin: Uhh no, you don't know Luke. The only way you would know is when the USBs are in the connecter. Look, all I'm saying is that when you put them in and the computer gets viruses, that's your fault not mine.

Luke: I know and if it happens I'll accept responsibility.

Kevin: That's good to hear.

Luke: So which ones do you want to put in?

Luke says as he turns on the computer on.

Kevin: Hmm, I'll put the black ones in.

Luke: Alright, I get to do the white ones.

Luke says as they grab the USBs then Kevin puts the Black/orange one in first as Luke puts in the White/Black one in.

Kevin: Any viruses?

Luke: Not yet. Hehe, looks like I was right.

Kevin: Right about what?

Luke: Right about the fact you worry too much.

Kevin: Hehe. I suppose, you're right about that.

Kevin says as Luke puts the White/Light blue USB in.

In the White/Light blue USB...

??? woke up in a dark room tired and confused then he looks up to see a screen which shows Luke letting go of the USB and ??? assumes that he is his father.

???: Father, is that you?

??? said but after a few seconds, he realised that Luke didn't hear him then he saw Kevin which confused him.

???: Who are you? You look similar to father, are you... his brother?

But again after a few seconds, ??? realised that Kevin also couldn't hear him suddenly ??? starts getting pulled away from the screen, scaring him.

???: Huh, why am I getting pulled away?!

??? says as he tried to resist it and grab something but he realised there was nothing to grab.

???: No, no, no, father!

Then ??? feels his legs get tired making him fall to the ground as ??? starts getting pulled further away then he watches the screen get smaller and smaller as ??? starts crying confusing him.

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