Prologue II: Having Fun...

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Present day at the showgrounds...

Smg4 and Tari were alone inside the "castle" and they're in the storage room looking for a particular box.

Tari: Ahh, it has to be around here somewhere.

Smg4: I know, at this point I might have to cancel the gaming livestream which is something I don't wanna do.

Smg4 says annoyed as Tari opened another box only for it not to be the one they were looking for. Then Smg4 does the same only to have the exact same result as Tari.

Smg4: *Sighs* I really wish we named these boxes.

Tari: Me too.

Tari says as Smg4 grabs another box and opens it to see another box of junk which really annoys him so he throws the box at the wall. Which makes alot of things fall out of the box as it lands on the ground then Tari hugs Smg4 to try and calm him down but also hug her crush.

Tari: It's ok, Smg4. I'm sure we'll find the box with the video games in it eventually.

Once Smg4 feels Tari hugging him, he calms down then looks up at Tari and hugs her back which surprised her and made her blush.

Smg4: I know, we will but it's just annoying that it's taking this long to find the box.

Tari: I agree, it is annoying but are you ok Smg4? Usually you don't like hugging people back.

Tari says as Smg4 lets go of her and looks up at her then he sighs.

Smg4: Tbh, Tari. Not really, I've been kinda stressed these last few days which is why I want to do this gaming livestream... I just want to use it as a way to calm myself by playing video games with you and the others along with make some money. As for hugging you back, well you're an exception because I feel like you're the only person who I can come to for comfort. *To self* Plus you're pretty cute.

Luckily for Smg4, Tari didn't hear that last part since she was feeling sad for him however at the same time she couldn't help but blush even more since he said that "she's the only person who he could come to comfort for" which surprised her again.

Tari: Aww, Smg4. I'm glad that you thought of a way to calm yourself but why didn't you tell me or the others you were so stressed out and I am?

Smg4: I didn't want to you and the others to worry about me so I just kept it to myself but after defeating Mr Puzzles, who caused me to go insane and destroy the castle... I realised that keeping the stress to myself was a bad idea hence you know. And yes you are, Tari because minus the youtube stuff I feel like we get along really well.

Tari: Well, that's true and next time if you're feeling stressed out just come and find me so we can talk.

Smg4: Ok... thanks Tari.

Tari: No problem, Smg4... would you like another hug?

Smg4: Yeah... I would like another hug, Tari.

Smg4 says the two look at each other and smile then she hugs him making them blush. A couple of seconds later they stop blushing and hold each other then Smg4 sighs slowly and says...

Smg4: I have a feeling, I'm going to come to you for comfort alot.

Tari: And that's ok, Smg4. I don't mind you wanting me to comfort you alot because I know you need it besides it's what best friends do.

Tari says as she looks down to see a box which was opened a bit.

Tari: Hey Smg4, have you already opened this box behind you?

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