Chapter 1: Breaking Free

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Meta Smg4: Ok... this is new.

I said as I went to walk towards the door but stopped as I felt lots of pain mainly in my right leg, I looked down to see that it didn't look out of place so I assume that it was something inside my right leg.

Meta Smg4: You can do this... just persevere through the pain, no matter what.

I said softly to myself as I limped towards the door, it was slow and painful but I kept going until I finally walked out of the vault...

Meta Smg4: I can't believe it... I'm, I'm finally free.

I said as I looked around to see nothing but a colour, I had no idea what colour it was but it looked sad.

Meta Smg4: Hmm. Whatever, the colour is. It's making me feel a bit sad.

I said as I looked down and widen my eyes...

Meta Smg4: Eek!

I said out of shock since I saw that I was standing on nothing but quickly I calmed down as I realised I wasn't falling.

Meta Smg4: So this is what the outside of the vault looks like, tbh I'm kinda surprised. I was expecting more since it was always so loud out here.

I said as I was still looking down at nothing then I realised I could see myself and how beaten up I was.

Meta Smg4: Jesus, I didn't know I was beaten up this bad just from the vault rolling a couple of times.

I said as I saw blue glowing lines appear on my body which worried me until I felt my injuries being healing making me calm down but I was confused if I was actually doing it.

Meta Smg4: Am I... doing this?

I said as I felt that my body was fully healed and saw the blue glowing lines dissappear from my body. I took a couple of steps forward and felt my legs specifically my right leg wasn't in alot of pain along with the other parts of my body. Which made me smile yet I was still confused if I actually did it or it just happened because I finally left the vault.

Meta Smg4: Well, what do you know I can heal myself... I think?

I said as I turned around to look at the vault from the outside for the first time but probably last time as I once again said to myself...

Meta Smg4: It feels weird being outside of the vault because for so long I've wanted leave yet at the same time it feels like home to me... wait, what's a home?... Whatever, either way as much as I didn't like being in there, I'll miss the vault.

I said as I turned away from the vault and began walking forward for a bit till I turned my head around to see that the vault was no longer in my vision. I felt a bit sad and kinda lonely as I turned my head back forward and kept walking. After a few minutes I started feeling like I was lost which made me start fidgeting with my hands since I was feeling nervous.

Meta Smg4: Hmm... should I have stayed in the vault? This place looks the exact same no matter where I go and I don't like being lost.

???: Yeah, I think you should go back.

I heard a voice which made me jump and stop fidgeting with my hands as I looked around quickly only to see no one making me a bit scared.

Meta Smg4: Who, who said that?

Suddenly a floating head appeared infront of me surprising me but after looking at it for a couple of seconds, I realised that it looked kinda similar to me.

???: I did.

Meta Smg4: Who are you?

???: I am one of the voices and we are telling you to go back.

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