Cigarette Kisses

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Inspired by- Just Friends? ( Nanon )

Summary- Taehyun and Beomgyu, two kids from rival families, are just heavily in love at 2am in the middle of the night.


Taehyun was in the middle of reading his favorite manga besides the window in his bedroom, when he heard someone throwing pebbles against his window. 

First, he tried ignoring it since he didn't wanted any disturbances while reading, but he decided that he had enough when the pebbles were thrown for the third time.

Frowning, Taehyun put the book down on his bed, before standing up and opening his window slide, ready to curse the shit out of the person who had disturbed his precious personal time. But however, he found the profanities melting in his throat when he saw that familiar face again.

As if immediately, Taehyun's face lit up with joy as his lips curved into a faint smile, excitedly waving at the person, who was standing in front of his house gate.

He squinted his eyes to get a better look at what the person was gesturing, and he hastily nodded with a grin on his face, indicating that he agreed with the situation.

Taehyun shut down the window slide before putting on his blue cardigan, not forgetting to also get an extra jacket for the figure as he knew that the other wouldn't be carrying it. He then got out of his bedroom door, before he slowly shut it.

The trickiest past was to get through the living room as he saw his parents asleep on the couch, while a random cooking show was playing on the TV.

He took light and slow steps to the main door. He was about to shut it behind him, when he almost forgot about the damn house key.

Wow, what a close call!

He quickly opened the door wide before reaching an arm inside and grabbing the key from inside the maroon ceramic bowl that his dad made during his pottery class.

He walked outside of the house, and bit his lips as he tried to open the creaky house gate without making a noise. There, he saw the absolute love of his life, standing as if he didn't bring a storm in Taehyun's perfectly calm life.

The moon to his star.

Choi Beomgyu.

Yes, the same Choi Beomgyu, who lives in the opposite house from him. And also yes, the same Choi Beomgyu's family, whom which they have a long generational rivalry with.

Seriously, if his family finds out that he's in a long-term relationship with their neighbor/rival's son, he'd be long buried seven feet under the damn ground that they walk on.

"Hey, love," Beomgyu greeted him with open arms and with a smile that could shake up Taehyun's world in a second.

Taehyun, with no hesitation and definitely no thoughts about that their families could see them from the window, walked straight into Beomgyu's arms, his own wrapping around Beomgyu's shoulders.

"Hi.." Taehyun's voice was muffled due to his face being squished into Beomgyu's shoulder.

The elder chuckled, his fingers running through Taehyun's black hair, the latter sighing in relief. "So, what's wrong?"

Taehyun lifted his head from Beomgyu's shoulders to look at him with his shining doe eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't you play dumb." Beomgyu's fingers now flicked Taehyun's forehead, who whined about the little pain. "I heard that you were having a shitty day just from the tone on how you texted me."

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