Are They? Or Are They Not?

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Inspired by- Honeypie (Jawny)

Summary- Three times Beomgyu and Taehyun were fighting with each other in the eyes of their co-workers, and one time, their co-workers noticed something unusual between them.


- The First Time -

It was a bright Monday morning. The head of the marketing department, Lee Jaeseong, was standing at the entrance of the building with an unusually large cup of coffee in his hand, greeting everyone with his infamous charming smile. 

He took a huge gulp of the coffee, now tired of greeting everyone. When suddenly, he saw the two infamous rivals at the security line, trying to press their own company id cards onto the scanner.

He almost choked when he saw Taehyun, with force, push Beomgyu away, which almost made the long-haired male fly away. A smile appeared on his face when he saw Beomgyu do the same thing to Taehyun, with the same amount of force.

Once he saw Taehyun grabbing Beomgyu's tie with a tight grip, he rushed over to them to try to prevent them from causing a scene at the entrance in front of everybody at almost eight am in the damn morning. 

"Hey, hey- guys!" Jaeseong came in between them before Beomgyu could go for Taehyun's shirt collar. "What happened now?"

Taehyun glared at Beomgyu from behind Jaeseong's shoulder, muttering a curse under his breath, earning a 'hey, I heard that!' from Beomgyu. 

"Okay and? You have ears, I'd be concerned if you didn't," Taehyun retorted back, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh, don't you sass me right now, Kang Taehyun." Beomgyu threatened, narrowing his eyes. 

"Do I need to have a particular time for me to sass you, Choi Beomgyu?" Taehyun crossed his arms, completely ignoring their manger in between them, who looked stressed. 

"Yes, you should-" Beomgyu cut himself off when he saw that Taehyun had flipped him off with his middle finger. "Wow, this brat!"

"Guys!" Jaeseong exclaimed, rubbing his forehead. "What are you two fighting about this time?"

"Oh, let me tell you." Taehyun turned Jaeseong around to face him. "This bitch- woke up an hour late and then rushed us all the way, he even occupied the bathroom first when he knew that I was going to go before him! And now he is trying to tap his card on the scanner before me so that he doesn't get a late remark on his so-called perfect record."

Beomgyu scoffed, pushing Jaeseong out of the way so he could look at Taehyun. "Oh please. First of all, it was your fault that you turned off my alarm last night-"

"How was it my fault?!"

"- and then second of all, I had no idea that you were going to shower first. Maybe you should've already occupied it instead of selecting the perfect Britney Spears song to shower too!"

Jaeseong was about to say something when he noticed something, frozen as he did. 

"And then last but not least, I walked into the damn company before you so it gave me the complete right to tap my card before you-"

"Bullshit! I didn't turn your damn alarm off, it was you! And how dare you? Britney Spears songs are suitable for every time of the day!"

Before Beomgyu could retort back, Jaeseong walked between them again. "Wait guys, I have a question."

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