The Way I Care About You

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Summary- Times where Beomgyu and his son had to deal with an angry and frustrated Kang Taehyun. Well, there are actions to blame too. 


- First Time (Beomgyu) -

It was a perfectly sunny Sunday morning. The house was calm, the air was cool and curtains shielded the sun out. 

Jiho, the youngest member in the family and the adopted son of Beomgyu and Taehyun, was in his bedroom with his headphones on as he tried to complete his math homework due to the submission the very next day. 

He was humming to the tunes of the song when all of a sudden, a loud noise of something crashing invaded his sense of hearing. 

Jiho, confused, took off his headphones and frowned. Pausing his music for a second, he frowned, waiting for another sound to come but it didn't. So shrugging, Jiho put his headphones back on, continuing to do his homework. 

A few minutes later, his phone buzzed with a message. 

And when he opened the chat, he softly sighed. 

Appa Choi: I may have fucked something up..

Jiho rubbed his face, already knowing that it was not something very good and it must be something related to the clashing sound earlier. 

He removed his headphones and turned off his phone to get up from his chair and walk downstairs, where he hoped his dear father was at. And he was right, his dad was standing in the middle of the room, holding his long maroon hair, seeming in despair. 

"What did you do?" Jiho sighed, walking closer to where his dad was standing. However, his tired eyes widened when he saw what his father had just broken. That one broken piece was enough to kick the sleep flying out of his system. 

"Appa, did you just break papa's favorite flower vase?!" Jiho exclaimed, staring at Beomgyu as if his father had grown two heads. 

Beomgyu shushed him with his index finger to his lips. "Shh! Are you trying to get me killed?!"

"It doesn't matter 'cause you are going to be killed otherwise." Jiho scowled, bending down to inspect the broken glass of the vase. "Yeah, you can't even glue it to save your life. It's too shattered."

"What am I going to do now?" Beomgyu frustratingly slumped on the ground. 

"What were you even doing at six thirty am in the morning of a Sunday? You hate waking up early." Jiho asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"I was cleaning the house.." Beomgyu lowly muttered. 

"Why..?" Jiho asked, amused. Because clearly, Beomgyu was not the one who would clean up the house if he wasn't asked to. That man hated cleaning. 

"Taehyun was complaining about how the house was messy these days last night and I just wanted to ease his frustrations by cleaning the house for him.." Beomgyu explained, regret etched in his tone. "See? This is why I can't do nice things!"

"I don't get it.." Jiho said, getting up to fetch the broom. "You could have cleaned the house later? Why in the darkness of six am?"

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