Embers of life

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In a time long forgotten, in a land of ancient lore,
There burned a fire so bright, a flame forevermore.
Embers of life, they called it, a spark of endless light,
Guiding those who sought the truth, through the darkest night.

From the ashes of the past, emerged a mighty quest,
To harness all the embers, and put their power to the test.
For in their glowing embers, lay the secrets of the stars,
A source of endless wisdom, a gateway to the far.

Through valleys deep and mountains high, the brave adventurers went,
Their hearts filled with courage, their minds on the event.
They faced many trials and challenges, but never did they wane,
For the embers of life, burned bright within their veins.

They crossed the raging rivers, they scaled the highest peaks,
They battled fierce monsters, with voices hoarse from shrieks.
But still they pressed onward, guided by the light,
For the embers of life, were their beacon in the night.

And in the end, when all was done, and the quest was finally o'er,
They held the embers in their hands, their spirits soared.
For in those glowing embers, they found the key to all,
The power of life eternal, the answer to their call.

So let us all remember, in times of joy and strife,
The embers of life within us, the fire that fuels our life.
For as long as we keep burning, as long as we endure,
The embers of life will guide us, forever bright and pure.

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