Whirlwind Of Fire

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In the heart of the storm, where flames dance with desire,
A whirlwind of fire, a tempest of pyre.
Burning bright, the inferno sings its ancient song,
Consuming all in its path, relentless and strong.

A dance of destruction, a symphony of heat,
In the vortex of flames, where shadows retreat.
The blaze roars and crackles, a primal force untamed,
A fury of passion, a blaze unchained.

In the midst of chaos, beauty blooms anew,
From ashes and embers, a phoenix soars true.
Rising from the ashes, reborn in the fire's embrace,
A testament to resilience, a symbol of grace.

So let the whirlwind of fire rage and roar,
For in its chaos lies a truth to explore.
A poetry of flames, a dance of light and heat,
A whirlwind of fire, where passion and power meet.

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