Touch by Fire

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Oh, touch by fire, pure and bright
A force of nature, a dazzling light
In your warmth, I find solace and peace
In your flames, my fears and doubts cease

You dance and flicker, in the night
A mesmerizing, hypnotic sight
Your heat caresses, my skin so tender
In your embrace, I surrender

You consume all in your path
Leaving behind only ashes, aftermath
But in your destruction, there is rebirth
A new beginning, a second birth

Oh touch by fire, you are wild and untamed
But in your chaos, beauty is proclaimed
You are fierce, yet gentle and kind
A paradox, a mystery of the mind

I stand before you, in awe and wonder
Your power, your essence, I ponder
For in your touch, I find strength and grace
An eternal flame, a sacred space

Oh touch by fire, I sing your praise
For in your presence, my soul is ablaze
You ignite passion, you awaken desire
Forever grateful, for your touch by fire.

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