Flames of Devotion

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In the heart's fierce furnace, devotion burns bright,
Like flames that dance in the depths of the night.
A sacred fire, unquenchable and true,
A blazing passion that ignites the soul anew.

With fervent love, we offer up our prayers,
To the flames of devotion that banish all despairs.
In the crucible of faith, our spirits blend and meld,
In the divine alchemy where all sorrows are dispelled.

Oh, let the flames of devotion rise high and strong,
A beacon of hope in a world gone wrong.
For in the fire of love, we find our truest voice,
And in the flames of devotion, we truly rejoice.

So let us tend the sacred flame with care,
And let its light guide us through every despair.
For in the heart's fiery furnace, we find liberation,
In the flames of devotion, we find salvation.

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