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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 16 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
One Step Ahead

Hayez leaned hunched against the rough brick wall, a dying cigar smoldering between his fingers. Smoke danced around his hooded face, casting an air of secrecy in the dimly lit alley. "Think this snitch is legit?" he rasped, his voice laden with doubt.

Beside him stood Joaquin, NCTECH's lawyer, his posture rigid and composed as he awaited the arrival of their informant. They had received word that someone with valuable information was willing to meet them, and they weren't about to pass up the opportunity.

Minutes bled into an eternity. Hayez, a veteran of the shadows, knew trust was a rare treasure in their line of work. This newbie informant reeked of nervous sweat, not exactly confidence-inspiring.

Joaquin glanced at him, his expression unreadable. "We'll see," he replied cryptically, his eyes flicking back to the figure approaching them.

After what seemed like an eternity, a figure appeared from the shadows, hunched and skittish.

Finally, their informant appeared, a nervous figure in a well-tailored suit. Hayez eyed him with a mixture of amusement and suspicion, noting the man's fidgeting demeanor.

"Kim Jinwo—" he stammered.

Joaquin stepped forward, his voice cutting through the silence. "Get to the point," he commanded, his tone firm.

Jinwook swallowed nervously before speaking. "Ahem, the...the case has been dissolved, the one you guys were responsible to." he stammered, holding out a folder of documents.

Hayez arched an eyebrow at the mention of the case, his interest piqued. He leaned in closer, his gaze fixed on the informant.

He listened intently as the man explained that he had taken charge of the case from the police, under the command of the FBI president, who was supposedly on their side. Apparently, a new higher-up at the FBI, had taken over the case and shut it down.

Joaquin's lips curled into a faint smirk as he considered the man's words. "And how can we be sure you're telling the truth?" he asked, his voice laced with skepticism.

He reached into his coat pocket, producing a stack of documents. "Here," he said, offering them to Joaquin. "These are the official orders from the FBI president himself."

Joaquin accepted the documents, flipping through them with a practiced eye. Satisfied, Joaquin nods, a subtle smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He was well aware of the situation, having anticipated this turn of events, yet he maintained his composed demeanor, keeping his true intentions veiled.

"Our agreement is concluded," Joaquin affirmed, his tone confident and unwavering. "Your demands will be honored, but make no mistake—if you betray us, you'll face dire consequences. Your fate will be as bleak as your mother's." His threat was delivered with a steely resolve, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation.

Jinwook sank to his knees, desperation evident in his eyes as he clutched at Joaquin's pants, tears streaming down his face. "Please!" he pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

"I swear, I'm loyal to you. Please don't harm my mother!"

Hayez chuckled at the sight before him, pushing himself upright from the wall and kneeling down beside the man. Joaquin stepped back, allowing Hayez to take control of the situation.

He stepped forward, looming over the cowering figure with a predatory gleam in his eye.

"You'd better stick to your promises," Hayez warned, his voice low and menacing.

Jinwook's tears flowed freely as he pleaded, "I swear, I'll do whatever you ask! Please, don't harm her!"

Hayez's expression remained stoic as he watched the man beg for mercy, his heart unmoved by the man's desperate pleas. He knew that they couldn't afford any loose ends, especially when dealing with someone as unpredictable as the informant kneeling before them.

Joaquin's voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a blade, his words laced with an unmistakable warning. "Now, leave before we change our minds."

Jinwook scrambled to his feet, nodding frantically as he backed away from the intimidating duo. With one last glance of fear, he turned and fled into the night.

Hayez watched him go with a smirk, his mind already turning to their next move.

In the world of organized crime, trust was a luxury they couldn't afford, and Hayez was determined to stay one step ahead of anyone who dared to challenge NCTECH's authority.

"Hayez, what do you make of this?" Joaquin asked, gesturing towards the documents the informant had provided.

Hayez took the folder from Joaquin and flipped through its contents, his expression unreadable. "It seems legit," he remarked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Joaquin nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in concentration. "I'll have our team look into it right away, then burn it," he said, his tone determined.

As they made their way back to headquarters, Hayez couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Something about the informant's demeanor had set off alarm bells in his mind, and he couldn't afford to ignore it.

"Keep an eye on him," Hayez instructed Joaquin as they parted ways. "I don't trust him."

Joaquin nodded, his expression grave. "I'll make sure to have someone tail him discreetly,"



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