ch ; 44

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- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒ 44 ༒ ˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

The following afternoon, after their froyo outing, Kory found herself in the bustling city center with Hayez once again trailing behind her like a shadow. Despite the unease lingering between them, she was determined to make the most of their temporary freedom. The vibrant atmosphere of the city offered a welcome distraction from the chaos that had become their daily lives.

As they wandered through the crowded streets, Kory glanced back at Hayez, who maintained his usual stoic expression, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. She sighed, wishing he could relax, even if just for a moment.

"Hey," she called out, stopping in her tracks. "Why don't we go to that department store? I need some new clothes, and you can stop glaring at everyone like they're about to attack us."

Hayez raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by her suggestion. "A department store? Really?"

Kory nodded, her eyes pleading. "Come on, it'll be quick. And besides, you guys owe me some clothes."

With a reluctant sigh, Hayez nodded, allowing Kory to lead the way. They walked in silence, the bustling crowd parting around them as they made their way to the store. Kory could feel the tension in the air, but she was determined to push through it, hoping that a change of scenery might help.

As they entered the department store, Kory immediately headed for the women's clothing section, her eyes lighting up at the array of options before her.

She tried on the clothes, Kory couldn't help but think about how surreal this situation was. Here she was, shopping in a department store, while being guarded by a member of a criminal organization.

It was a strange juxtaposition, the normalcy of shopping clashing with the danger lurking just beneath the surface of her life.

When she emerged from the fitting room, Hayez was waiting, his expression unreadable. "Well?" she asked, flatting out the creases on the dress she tried on.

"What do you think?"

Hayez gave her a once-over, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary. "It suits you," he said simply, his voice devoid of emotion.

Kory raised an eyebrow, surprised by the unexpected compliment. "Oh, uh thanks," she replied, feeling a strange warmth at his words, before returning to change.

She spent time picking out a few dresses and tops, glancing back at Hayez every once in a while, who stood with his arms crossed, looking out of place among the colorful racks.

"You're really taking advantage of my credit card, aren't you?" he remarked, his tone tinged with mild irritation.

Kory shot him a pointed look over her shoulder, her expression turning sour. "Your fault for kidnapping me and stripping me of my belongings," she retorted under her breath.

Hayez's grip tightened on her arm, pulling her closer to him. "Keep your voice down," he cautioned, his voice low and urgent.

Glancing around, Kory noticed a saleswoman watching them with a concerned expression. To allay any suspicion, she raised her voice slightly, addressing Hayez as "babe" and pretending to argue about his fashion choices.

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