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Stepping into the Light


wo days bled into one another, the sterile light of the exhibition room offering no distinction between dawn and dusk. Kory found herself a solitary prisoner, Andy and Mark locked away in separate chambers nearby.

The weight of their confinement pressed down on her like a lover's unwanted touch, suffocating yet strangely familiar. Each passing moment buzzed with a desperate energy.

Sitting on the unforgiving floor, Kory traced patterns on the cold tile with her finger, her mind a whirlwind of escape plans. Every avenue seemed to lead to a dead end, the frustration mounting with each tick of the nonexistent clock.

She glanced at the rooms where Andy and Mark were held, their faces mirroring her own turmoil. Two days. Two eternities trapped in this sterile purgatory.

The locks mocked her with their impassivity, the windows mere taunts mocking their distance from the ground. She buried her face in her hands, the weight of responsibility a heavy crown pressing down on her. These weren't just her battles to fight, but theirs too. For their sake, she couldn't succumb to despair.

Hours crawled by, each one a slow, torturous march towards a future uncertain. Exhaustion nibbled at the edges of her consciousness, dragging her eyelids down. As sleep finally claimed her, dreams and nightmares intertwined, a chaotic symphony of escape attempts.


Seven hours later...

A jarring crash tore through the dream world, jolting Kory awake with a gasp. Heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Before she could fully register what was happening, the sound of shattering glass filled the room, sending her scrambling to her feet.

She blinked in disbelief as the dust settled.

And then she saw him.

Hayez. Standing amidst the shattered remains of the glass wall, his face a mask of grim determination etched with relief. For a moment, the line between dream and reality blurred. Was this a figment of her sleep-deprived imagination?

Kory's heart pounded in her chest as she stared at Hayez's face, disbelief and relief washing over her in equal measure. She reached out tentatively, as if afraid he would disappear if she touched him.

"Hayez?" she whispered, her voice soft but hoarse from disuse.

Her breath caught in her throat as Hayez's gaze met hers. Time seemed to stand still, the air thick with unspoken emotions. A slow smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a silent promise that sent a tremor of warmth through her.

Without a word, Hayez crossed the debris-strewn distance, his movements purposeful yet gentle. He cupped her face in his calloused hands, his touch a jolt that sent a current of electricity sizzling through her.

Tears welled up anew, hot and unbidden. The dam within her crumbled, releasing a torrent of emotions she hadn't even realized she was holding back: fear, relief, and a yearning so deep it physically ached.

Without a conscious thought, she launched herself into his arms, burying her face in the familiar scent of his worn jacket. His embrace was a haven – a safe harbor in the storm that had been her life for the past few weeks.

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