Chapter 8

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I return to base with a lot on my mind. When I get there, I see Toshizo, doing a bit of gardening.

- Uh-oh, I say in my head. He is the last person in the world I want to run into. After everything Shin had just told me, I'm not sure how to react.

- Hello. I'm back from the assignment, I say.

- You're late, Toshizo says.

- Sorry. It's my turn to prepare dinner, isn't it. I'll get started right away, I say.

- You'll report first. Or am I correct in assuming you're trying to get away from me as fast as you can, he asks. When he casts his glance at me, I can't help but be startled. He stops what he's doing, and tales a seat.

- I'm waiting, he says.

- Right. Well, there weren't any unusual customers there today. I was treated to dinner by a charcoal merchant named Masuya Kiemon, I say. For a brief moment, I think I see him raise his eyebrows.

- Go on, he says.

- He seemed like a nice, friendly person, I say.

- What else happened, he asks. I delicately touch the part of my kimono which I know conceals the packet. Toshizo says nothing, but there's something about the look in his eyes. It makes me feel like he knows all about the packet. I decide to tell him the truth, but just as I'm about to speak.

- Toshizo, Kondo is stepping out, Soji says.

- Very well, Toshizo says.

- Ah, I think I just missed my chance, I say in my head.

- Enough, Toshizo says.

- Aye sir, I say. Maybe it's because I'm hiding something from him, but for whatever reason, standing there with Toshizo makes me even more nervous than usual.

- Well then, I say.

- Wait, Toshizo says.

- I knew it. He's on to me, I say in my head. Not wanting to, I slowly turn to face him once more.

- Help me pull these weeds, Toshizo says.

- What, I ask.

- Do I have to say it again. See all those weeds growing all over the place. I want them all gone, Toshizo says. He's standing next to a huge pile of weeds that he's already plucked.

- He took care of all of those by himself, I ask in my head. I look at him, standing there smoldering with his usual rage, hands covered in dirt, and something about the scene makes me burst out laughing.

- Haha, I laugh.

- Don't laugh, Toshizo says.

- Haha, sorry. I never knew you were such a serious gardener, that's all, I say.

- If I remember correctly, isn't that cowhide plant supposed to be growing around here, I ask in my head. Imagining him, diligently pulling all the harmful weeds, while carefully protecting his precious cowhide plants. There is no way I can think of him as a bad person now.

- Let's get to it, Toshizo says.

- Aye, sir. Happy to help, I say. Encountered by some small ricks, I see some plants growing that I don't recognize. I reach for them and pull them out. But Toshizo snatches my wrist.

- Hey, he shouts.

- Huh, I ask.

- What are you thinking about. Those aren't weeds, he says. He yanks the plants I pulled out of my hand, places them back into the soil,and pats it down gently when they're in place.

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