Chapter 6 - The Lone Cyborg & Caped Baldy - PART 1

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Location: Y/n's Apartment - Abandoned Apartment Complex - City Z


It's been a few weeks since Y/n and Godfield lived in City Z that is connected to their own universe in their own apartment in the abandoned apartment complex at City Z as they are just minding their own business and are about to water their cactus plant on the balcony.

News Reporter: What could be the cause of the massive mosquito outbreak this year? We ask Mr. Kafetch, a mosquito expert who has written several books on the subject.

Mr. Kafetch: Thank you for having me. Well, let me come right to the point. These mosquitos belong to an entirely new species. Therefore, I know nothing about them.

News Reporter: Oh, come on! What good are you?! Get off of my show! (Clears throat) Now, let's take a look at the areas-

Y/n: Man, City Z's in their path.

News Reporter: - likely to be hit hardest by the outbreak.

Y/n: (Waters his cactus) Now we've got a mosquito outbreak? That's not a good sign.

Godfield (Normal Garfield Form): True and with a massive mosquito outbreak, that means that they're after people's blood.

Y/n: I think we should do something about it before all of the citizen's blood are all drained from their veins.

Godfield (Normal Garfield Form): I agree, but let's water our cactus before we head out to deal with the mosquito outbreak.

Y/n: Yes, father.

News Reporter: We interrupt this program for breaking news. A large swarm of mosquitos has been sighted in City Z. Mummified remains of attacked farm animals have also been found. If you encounter a swarm of mosquitos, flee immediately.

Then as Y/n watering his cactus plant, a mosquito began flying around Y/n before it landed on his hand as Y/n used his powers through his eyes to set the mosquito on fire until another mosquito flew by and this time, Godfield sliced the mosquito in half with his claws.

But then, more mosquitos keep appearing at their apartment as the two of them kept using their powers to kill the mosquitos coming into their apartment to suck their blood.

Then the Hero Association Emergency Broadcast started alerting everyone to not go outside due to the massive mosquito outbreak that could get them all kill with all of their blood drain that will leave them in withered, mummified husks.

Emergency Broadcast Announcer: This is an emergency evacuation warning. Threat level: Demon. No resident is to go outside under any circumstances. I repeat, no City Z resident is to go outside...

Then as the announcer continues to warned everyone about the mosquito outbreak, we see a young man with cybernetic armor, who is determined to take on the monster that started the mosquito outbreak on City Z.

Genos: Acquiring target.

Location: Somewhere around City Z

After the announcement was heard, everyone took the warning seriously and remained in their homes until the threat is eliminated.

Well, except for one that decided to rob a few stores since the whole city is empty from the mosquito outbreak that became his biggest mistake of his entire life.

Robber: Thanks to that warning, they're all empty! Like someone's gonna die from a mosquito bite. What's losing a little blood if I get all this? The wind...?

Then suddenly, a swarm of mosquitos started attacking him to feast on his blood until he is bone dry.

Robber: What the--?!

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