Breaking Bad Gameboy'd: Son of Godfield Edition - Part 1

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Location: Walter White's House


In another alternate universe, we see the man known as Walter White in his own, who tried to get as much money as possible to fund for his family with the help of Jessie Pinkman to make and sell meth to people to earn the money that Walter needed for his family after he was diagnosed with Cancer. But now, he's hiding behind a TV set from a dangerous mutated monster that suddenly resembled a finger and is currently hunting down Walter in his own house.

Finger Monster: Walter....

Walter then slowly brought out his handgun as his own form of protection against the monster, but the monster can already sense Walter holding the gun as it's not gonna work on the monster hunting him down.

Finger Monster: Put your gun away Walter. I'm not having snacks with you right now Walter.

Then we cut over to a near windowsill to see a hooded man watching what's going on as it seems like he's seen this moment before, and it looks like he's going to have to help this poor man from the finger monster.

Y/n: seems like the Gorefield energy reading led to this universe and it looks like I'm going to have to help out that poor man that is cursed with Cancer. Luckily, I have something that will get rid of it...permanently. (Chuckles)

Game Hint: In this Gorefield related universe, you need to collect various materials and elements from the Periodic Table to create potions and other useful object to protect yourself from the Gorefield type monsters. Help Walter White collect the ingredients to create the Philosopher's Stone Elixir.

As the night progress, we see Walter White all tied up with balloon on strings filled with helium as he is being lifted up in the air into the night sky before he was frightened by the sight of the same finger monster from the light of the full moon that hunted him down inside of his house as he is suddenly larger than before and he demands Walter a pimento cheese sandwich.

Finger: Walter....Walter....I require a pimento cheese sandwich Walter.

But before Finger could do anything else, the hooded man teleported behind Walter and got him away from Finger by teleporting him to someplace where he won't find Walter.

Finger: Huh?! What the-?! Walter?! Where the hell did you go!?

Then after the hooded man got Walter to a safe distance away from Finger as Walter is glad that he is safe away from Finger for now that is.

Walter: (Sighs) Thank you. You saved me. But....who are you?

Hooded Man: I go by many names, but you can call me, Y/n and I am the Son of Godfield. I was sent here after finding some unusual activities from that monster that hunted you down.

Walter: What kind of unusual activity?

Y/n: I believe it's called the Gorefield Mutation Effect, and it appears that man known as Finger has contacted the energy and became a Gorefield type monster. Luckily for you, I know how to take out the beast, but in order to do that, we need to recreate a very powerful elixir known as the Philosopher's Stone using some of the minerals from the Periodic Table to make it. I have all of the other ingredients but the minerals to make it.

Walter: I think I know someone that can help you with finding some minerals. My friend Hank owns a mineral shop at Downtown. He can provide you the minerals you need to make the Philosopher's Stone, and I am a dedicated science teacher and if we both put our heads together, we should be able to create the Elixir in no time.

Y/n: Excellent and since you're willing to help me. (Pulls out the Cancer Cure Potion) I can give you this special potion. It can instantly cure your cancer, and I know what you're thinking. You might think this is just a normal potion or some kind of energy drink, but I can assure you. This is the actual cure for Cancer. If you help me create the elixir, I will give this to you. Do we have a deal?

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