Chapter 6.5 - The Shadows That Snuck Up Too Close

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Location: Y/n and Godfield's Apartment - Abandoned Apartment Complex - City Z

Inside the apartment of Y/n and Godfield, the two along with the Zodiacs are spending some quality time together by watching a move that they rented at the Video Rental Store in City Z. The Movie is called Aliens Vs. Stalkers on DVD.

Man: (Screams) Could she have checked my call history without asking?! Dammit.

Man #2: We've lost the alien's location.

Man #3: There it is, standing in front of the spacecraft!

Man #1: This is trouble! Your mom got a call from someone saying she was your fiancée!

Man #2: No, it can't be! And the alien's been taken out.

Man #3: She contacted me too! (Reads the text) "Everyone in my way has been eliminated. I can't wait for our date tomorrow. "

Man# 2: I never agreed to any dates! The woman's more dangerous than the aliens!

Then after the movie was done and over with, the Zodiacs went back home to their dimension, leaving both Y/n and Godfield alone in their apartment as Y/n got the movie out of the DVD player after a great movie night.

Y/n: Man...Stalkers really are scary.

Godfield: Yeah, but there's nothing to fear from a stalker as long as you're fully protected from them. But sometimes we can still feel the dark feeling that someone watching our every move behind our backs.

Y/n: Come to think of it, lately I've been feeling eyes on me, too. We've defeated a lot of bad guys in the past. Maybe someone's got a grudge against is.

Godfield: Well, it's no big deal if it's just someone with a grudge.

Y/n: True, but if that grudge or anger turned into some kind of warped love, like that movie we watched, how should I handle it?

Godfield: I'm not sure, but as long as we both work together to deal with our so-called stalker, we should be fine.

Then suddenly, the two of them felt something pass by in their apartment when they are doing a bit of laundry and when they quickly turned around, nothing seems out of place nor taken away, but the apartment sure do look a bit messy after their family movie night.

Y/n; Geez. This place is getting pretty messy.

Godfield: I agree, let's clean up the mess right now.

Y/n: Ok, father.

So then, the two started cleaning the apartment and what they didn't know was that Saitama managed to obtain one of Y/n's angel wing feathers before they could even notice him going in and out of the apartment.

Saitama and Genos both agreed to work together to figure out what kind of secrets that Y/n and Godfield have keeping from them, but they weren't planning to reveal it to anyone because they figured that if they both knew, they would use their power to destroy the planet. Saitama have given the feather to Genos to analyze while the cyborg keeps an eye on them without getting detected by them.

Genos: It has been three days since I started investigating the secret of the boy and cat's power. Master and I have yet to gain any information and time is ticking away...are they purposely being cautious so no one can find out about their secrets? That's a reasonable excuse to avoid anyone from using their powers for their own selfish gain. I hope Master and I come up with something soon. As I suspected, they're both on high alert. We must hurry.

Timeskip - The Next Day

As the next day rolled by, Y/n and Godfield are going out to eat at a local diner, but always made sure to look behind them in case anyone is following them as Saitama decides to follow them inside the restaurant as Saitama and Genos figured that the secret to their power is inside the food they're eating.

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