Y/n Works Out at the Gym

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Location: The Local Gym - Creation City


At the local gym in Creation City, the Son of Godfield decided to go over there for a good workout to run on the treadmill and lift some weights as we see a muscular green Anthro bunny by the name of Hoppy Hopscotch running on the treadmill at full speed as she worked really hard to gain some muscles since she dreamed of jumping to the moon and back.

Then as she stopped the treadmill for more than an hour, she got off and rubbed her face with a towel and drank her protein shake before walking to the exit after a good workout for today until she spotted someone that caught her attention.

She saw Y/n aka the Son of Godfield in his workout outfit as he is lifting a weight that has two black holes that are both the size of a medicine ball with one pinky finger.

Hoppy has never seen someone lift a weight that heavy with only one finger, let alone one pinky finger.

Hoppy: (Thinking) Holy cow! I'd never seen someone like him that can lift a weight with only one pinky finger. May he can help me achieve my goal on hopping over to the moon and back.

Then Hoppy walked over to Y/n to ask him some questions while he is busy lifting his weight for his workout.

Hoppy: Excuse me, sir?

Y/n then stopped lifting his weight before turning the weights back to normal before looking back at the female bunny rabbit.

Y/n: Yes? Can I help you?

Hoppy: Sorry to disturb you on your workout, but I must say, you're pretty strong to lift that weight.

Y/n: Thank you. I have been working out very well for a long time.

Hoppy: I know this may sound weird, but do you think you can help me with my training? I'm attempting to get strong so I can jump to the moon and back.

Y/n: Sure. I can help you with that.

Hoppy: (Shocked) What...really?!

Y/n: Yeah, I have a sister that has the same dream, and I know you got the strength to make that dream a reality.

Hoppy: Wow. Thank you so much for accepting my offer. What's your name?

Y/n: Name's Y/n and I'm known as the Son of Godfield. What's yours?

Hoppy: My name's Hoppy Hopscotch. Mind if I watch you work out?

Y/n: Sure. I don't mind.

Hoppy: Alrighty then.

So then, Y/n continued working out with his weight as he used his powers to transform the weights back to the medicine ball sized black holes with Hoppy watching Y/n lifting the heavy weight with his pinky finger, which she finds Y/n both interesting and dreamy.

But then, we see another guy by the name of Yujiro Hanma that is using two treadmills with two fat guys using it with two bare hands as his own idea for a workout, which surprised the other people in the gym to see someone lift something that heavy.

Then after Yujiro is done with his workout, he heads his way to the exit until he spotted Y/n lifting the black hole weight with a pinky finger, which also caught his interest as well.

Yujiro: What in the Earth?! He weightlifting that weight just with 1 pinky finger?!

Then he decided to challenge Y/n to a fight after seeing how strong and capable he really is as Y/n is spinning his weight around and around before Yujiro interrupted him and his workout.

Yujiro: That is enough!

Y/n then stopped after he heard Yujiro told him to stop, so he turned the weight back to normal before setting it down to the floor as he turned to face the man that he fought before in another universe as this version of Yujiro Hanma is a completely different person in the universe, he's in right now.

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