Chapter 1.1

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"Can I please get inside now?" Sunny asked, getting a little bit impatient with Gary's antics then Gary finally stepped away and let her in

"Oh! Sunny, you've arrived just right in time to get your first ever Pokemon, please come here." Professor Oak beckoned Sunny to come closer towards his figure

"Hello, Professor Oak!" Sunny smiled but Professor Oak frowned as he glanced at her direction "Unfortunately, Sunny. The opportunity for you to choose your starter is gone, but don't worry! Because apparently there is one Pokemon left."

Sunny expressed an astonished face, clearly shocked at the news thrown at her while Gary smirked at her reaction and began to mock

"Hah! That's what you get when you're not that early." Gary snickered at Sunny as she slowly turned her head towards him and giving him a scary glance "What? You look creepy when you do that, y'know."

Sunny sighed at him closing her eyes "Nothing, just disgustingly glancing at your bad spiky hairstyle." She turned her body opposite direction from him innocently as Professor Oak handed her a Pokeball that contains the last starter Pokemon left

Gary heard that and exclaimed "This isn't a bad hairstyle! It's basically the same hairstyle just like my Gramps but mine is taller!" Sunny then takes the Pokeball from Professor Oak's hand then let's out her starter Pokemon. She didn't acknowledged him at this moment

Gary animatically twitched at her quiet demeanor thinking that she's an arrogant person for doing so, how dare she ignored the Professor's grandchild but then proceeds to shrug that thought off, critically thinking at himself that this isn't worth the arguement

Professor Oak introduced the last starter for Sunny as she looked at the green looking frog Pokemon "Bulbasaur is the one who hasn't been picked out yet huh?" She smiled at the grass starter type Pokemon

"Yes, you're right. This Bulbasaur is actually quite gentle and sweet towards people, but as of right now I think you could tell that Bulbasaur is feeling down because nobody has chosen him yet." Professor Oak replied

Bulbasaur frowned and looked down as if dissappointed in itself when Professor Oak mentioned about nobody has picked him out as a starter yet, Bulbasaur noticed the girl's presence as it cried happily

Sunny beckoned the Bulbasaur to come closer at her figure and petting it gently, trying to regain it's trust. Bulbasaur seemed to be satisfied as it leaned more info Sunny's touch

"Well what do you know, Bulbasaur seemed very fond of you immediately!" Professor Oak beamed at their interaction being wholesome while Gary tsk'ed quietly and looked away by turning his head on the opposite direction

"Alright, since you're already a Pokemon trainer by now I will be giving you a Pokedex that can explain and giving you some more useful information about Pokemon you've never see or already seen it." Professor Oak takes out a small rectangle red-coloured device that she has never seen before

"Woah. this looks really cool, thank you so much Professor!" Sunny proceeds to bows down respectfully at the Professor. After that she asked him "Professor, where is the closest place that I can communicate to my parents? So that they don't worry about me."

Professor Oak answered her question as there is an imaginatically lamp that turns on brightly beside his head as he raised his finger  "You should go ahead to Viridian City and get your Pokedex identified by a lady named Officer Jenny. Then, you should stop by in a place called the Pokemon Center." Sunny rummages through her bag and picked out a book with pen then started to scribble the objectives so she wouldn't forgot

"Alright, thank you for the guidance Professor Oak. I will be heading out now please wish me luck!" Sunny fixed her backpack's position as she starts to headed out from the lab and bidded at the Professor Oak a goodbye with Gary in her side aswell

Sunny decides to let Bulbasaur for walking side by side with her so she wouldn't be lonely as there is something that could accompany her

When they are closer to the door that directs outside from the lab, suddenly Gary decides to stop her but her confusion got answered by him as he declared "Since we both successfully got our own first Pokemon, how about we have a Pokemon battle for the first time either?"

Sunny ponders for a while at his sudden declaration and looked at Bulbasaur to seek it's comfort for battling him. Bulbasaur noticed it's trainer conflicted feelings as it nodded towards Sunny in agreement to battle Gary's starter Pokemon

She looked at Gary as he is waiting for her agreement, Sunny nodded in acknowledgement because she accepted to battle against him "alright."

Author's Note:
When I saw this in the draft, I kind of scrapped the whole conversation thing to a more "proper" one for me, I didn't liked it at first that the reader and Gary kind of overreacted their arguement over a silly haircut.

Thank you for sticking by the book, hope to see you again in the next chapter

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