Reader Characterization Details

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Sunny Rivera (English)
Tanaka Rikako (Japanese)

Gender: Female

Interests: Ash & Gary

MBTI Personality: INFJ

- Hairstyle = short hair (the length of reader's hair is around reader's shoulders) paired with a hair pin to hold back some of reader's hair getting in the way to reader's eyes when there is a wind blowing, sometimes when reader is in a stressed situation reader's hair will be tied up like an updo

- Hair Colour = black with a soft lilac at the bottom of the hair length

- Eye colour = dark brown

- Clothing = reader's fashion style is just a t-shirt covered up in a long-sleeved jacket paired with long length jeans (btw reader has an amount of t-shirt, jacket and jeans that came in different colours, models and patterns) reader wears a pair of sneakers but when the moment is relaxing or something similar to that she'll wear a pair of sandals. Reader also wear a pair of glasses because due to her poor sighting to help her see clearly

Height: 155 CM

Hobbies: reading a book and studying more about pokemon

More personality analysis about reader: "looks can be deceiving, you might saw me like an innocent and harmless person at first glance but I can change myself into an intimidating opponent you'll ever met." that is her quote literally.

Reader has this complex personality where infront of people she is quiet and can seem to be rude or annoyed by people who meets her because she doesn't interact that much with strangers which causes a misunderstanding sadly.

But when it comes to friends that she is comfortable with well... she still doesn't interact that much but she acts silly around them.

Apparently, when her hand is shaking from fear or paranoid. She'll hide those hands away from the public to see by tucking them in her pocket jacket, she didn't like the idea of her showing her weaknesses towards everybody else

A little backstory before the actual story starts:
When she was around 5, she admired Gary so much because of his knowledge about Pokemon plus he's literally the grandson of Professor Oak himself.

Professor Oak thinks that reader has a good potential of being a Pokemon Trainer because seeing her taking interest towards Pokemon like her own Palette Town friends, then he decided to make an offer with reader which is taking her in as a student.

Reader thought that was an excellent idea and accepts his offer with her becoming his student and also avoiding being angered by her own parents because they thought she doesn't have any useful activities outside of the house except hanging out with her friends.

At this age, Gary had a thought at first reader has some sort of romantic feeling towards him- witnessing her hanging out with him most than with Ash so he kept tricking reader by suddenly being busy and keep on dissappearing everytime she wanted to hang out with him.

Reader didn't give it much a thought because the reason why she started to appear a lot in Professor Oak's lab was because she's educating herself about Pokemon. She thought that Gary was probably like her either, preparing himself studying about Pokemon before becoming a Pokemon Trainer.

Her friendship with Ash is pretty simple, they both like Pokemon so much that all they do when hanging out with eachother is pretending to be a Pokemon Trainer or the entire discussion is just about Pokemon.

Though reader thinks that Ash probably thought of her as a nuisance, after realizing that she's too "active" when playing around with him and decides to distance herself between her friends when the time of studying with Professor Oak has started, she also wanted to learn more about Professor Oak himself at the same time whilst studying with him.

Professor Oak thought she probably didn't want to get distracted and wanting to focus on herself for a long while so he didn't question anything about it.

Occasionally when Gary meets reader he would strike a conversation with her- most of it are harmlessly bullying her by throwing teasing remarks that she didn't take it at heart. (She takes it at heart)

Ash sadly thought that reader didn't want to be friends with him anymore and constantly missing her presence but as time moved forward he started to accept whatever she is doing.

Reader can also change her personality almost instantly depends on the person she is with, like a chameleon and adapting quite fast when around individuals and multiple people.

At the age of 10, she is the most mature out of the others and this impresses the adults and her friends actually, they thought she's extremely intellegent or a reserved person already at such a young age.

Little do they know that reader loves being immature too because the thought of being mature is too draining on her but she hides them well by being silly around her friends that she thought is comfortable enough to be with of course.

Her and Misty already become friends when she is 7 years old, they met somewhere on a large pond where there's a chance you can see a water Pokemon

Author's Note:

My apologies if some of you didn't like the idea I already gave reader a name and what is her appearance looked like. As the description said: I'm not serious at all when writing this book. I also already planned out her Pokemon team will be like so I will not be accepting any kind of request to be added in her team. Again, sorry.

I'm the author, I have my own rules for my own work. Cut me some slack, please

And I watched the Pokemon anime in Japanese dubbing so the dialogue might be different from the English dubbing because of the translation subtitles. Sometimes I also watch the anime again by picking the English dub

This is like- the third fanfic I wrote. I deleted my two fanfic because I discontinued it and I'm not proud of the results

This fanfic is slowburn romance in the Kanto arc to Kalos arc, reader will start to develop a little bit feelings towards her interests in Alola and Galar arc

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