Chapter 1.2

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Professor Oak heard their conversation and proceeds to beckoned them to follow him as he showed a field that is wide enough for a Pokemon battle

The both of them readied to send out each of their own starter Pokemon, Bulbasaur began to step forward, enough to distance itself between it's own trainer. Gary directed to throw his Pokeball that contains his starter at Sunny's direction

Sunny beamed at Gary's starter choice while he praised his own decision to pick a Squirtle, she kind of cringed at him because she knew that the both of them know that grass types are super effective against water types

She checked first at Bulbasaur's moveset in her Pokedex so she wouldn't make a fool out of herself and gaining a second hand embarassment. Gary waited at Sunny as she closed the Pokedex by putting it safely in her pocket

There is tackle and leer Sunny saw that Gary is letting her making the first move as she commanded her Bulbasaur to use leer towards his Squirtle, decreasing it's defense

Gary immediately telling his Squirtle, attacking to damage Bulbasaur's health by using tackle. Bulbasaur has taken the hit as it got flinged closer at Sunny's figure, she called out towards her Bulbasaur worryingly as it stands back up again, a sign of not giving up

Bulbasaur growled and ran towards Squirtle with all of it's might as Sunny tells it to use tackle, Gary calls out towards his Squirtle to dodge it's tackle but it's too late since Squirtle has been hit

While Squirtle already been decreased it's defense by leer, it has taken more damage by Bulbasaur, if compared to Squirtle's tackle against Bulbasaur. Gary recognized her strategy and began to used it on herself

Both Bulbasaur and Squirtle used leer against eachother then proceeds to attack by tackling again. Both of it heads are grinding, it's expression shows determination of not wanting to lose and dissappoint their trainer

Squirtle, it's own body began to feel weak as it got pushed back by Bulbasaur's strength. It's own body got forced towards at Gary's direction, the little tortoise got knocked down as Gary saw that there's swirls in Squirtle's eye

Bulbasaur got tired as it laid down but it's still consciously awake, Professor Oak immediately announced the winner of this battle goes to Sunny. Sunny picked up the frog looking Pokemon in her arms while cheering the both of them won

She looked at Gary as he comforted his Squirtle, assuring that it did great and sending it back in the Pokeball to rest. Sunny walked towards his figure and helds out her hand "we did great. Thank you for the first battle,"

Sunny smiled in a way that doesn't show arrogance and egoistic, clearly stating that she is grateful for their first time ever Pokemon battle. Gary gave her a smug look of his own and takes her hand to shake "next time we meet again, I'm determined not going to lose against you."

Sunny sweatdropped, thinking that this will be the last time they battle but guess not "right, okay." Gary nodded at her and proceeded to head out first from the laboratory, leaving her and Professor Oak alone

Professor Oak began to praise at her success for their first battle as he helped Bulbasaur from Sunny's arm to heal from the damages it has taken from Squirtle. Sunny then let's out Bulbasaur from it's Pokeball as she bid a farewell to the Professor

When she is outside there is a crowd of people following Gary's car while there is a certain individual who didn't, still adorning in his pajamas. She of course recognized this figure easily, Sunny approached him, who is still staring at where Gary headed off to

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