Chapter 2.0

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Ash Ketchum became enthusiastic as he shifts his position back and forth between Pikachu, Sunny and Misty showing how proud he is at himself, then Ash grabbed a hold of Misty's arm and accidently dragging Sunny with her too.

The girls have different reaction, one of them is being weary while the other is being alarmed. Pikachu looked at the three of them being dragged by Ash in circles as it got dizzy and fell down.

Misty complained that he should stop dragging them in circles while Misty's word got cut off by Ash as he shoving the Pokeball that contained Caterpie inside at her face.

Misty leaned back away from the sudden closure of his Pokeball and puts her hands infront of her chest to create a distance between herself and the bug Pokemon, she encouraged Ash softly by telling him to put that Pokeball away from her.

Ash decides a horrible idea to Misty when he let out Caterpie from the Pokeball, Misty sprinted off to create more distance against the Caterpie while the Caterpie seemed very excited to approach Misty, she didn't share the same excitement, rather the opposite.

Sunny sat down near the commotion between the two, she leaned her body against a tree witnessing the both of them arguing back and forth, Misty suggested that he should be friends with Caterpie while she picked up the Pikachu and put it on her lap, saying that she'll be friends with Pikachu.

Ash told Misty that there is no way his Pikachu would be friends with anyone as he noticed that Pikachu is enjoying it's time right now with Misty petting it gently. It seemed pretty nice.

Ash's feelings got betrayed by Pikachu, seeing it enjoys itself rather than zapping the ginger haired girl, Caterpie began to tear up from Misty's favouritism against it. Misty ignored it's feelings then proceeds to call Ash to send it back at the Pokeball, complaining and calling it disgusting repeatedly.

Sunny heard that Ash said something like "aside from you, what are the other disgusting things?" As he positioned his arms each beside the hips and standing near Misty, Sunny couldn't hold her laugh quietly but Misty glared towards her direction, attempting to stop her from laughing, she could tell by her eyes Misty didn't like it when Sunny is being entertained by his insult towards the orange haired girl.

Misty looked at Ash and states what are her dislikes are, Ash mocked her words by saying that he liked what Misty's dislike towards at. He told her what his dislike is and it's her who hurts Caterpie's feelings.

Meanwhile when the both of them are so into the arguement, Sunny watched in boredom, too tired to interrupt the both of them. Then she got stunned when Misty agreed at what Ash's decision to seperate.

Sunny rushed over towards Misty's side, questioning what has happened between the two. Because, Sunny saw that Misty slightly had taken a fond of Ash and she also look like regretted her choice.

Misty told her that they should follow him while Sunny didn't liked that idea since Misty is the one who agreed to his decision in the first place, that'll mean when they both got caught being seem by Ash it'll put Misty in a shameful place.

Misty shrugs off her disagreement and taking one of Sunny's hand, dragging her with Misty to follow Ash's footsteps, Ash heard there is a probability that two people are following him behind.

When he turned his head at where is the source come from, he clearly saw that Misty with Sunny who she grabs her wrist immediately and began to hide from his eyesight behind a tree.

Ash got frustrated at Misty's behaviour as he complained that when is she going to get over her bike, insultingly. After awhile Ash gave up on the arguement by saying do whatever she wants.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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