Chapter 1.0

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The sun's rising brightly meaning that the day has already started, in the room where a girl resides sleeping peacefully got startled by the loud alarm clock that rings immediately sits up and regains her consciousness slowly

she covers her mouth when she yawns quietly squinting her eyes as she does it. The girl started to get ready for a refreshing shower by standing up then after that she picks out on her outfit for today

she of course didn't forget to wear her glasses and hair pins when she is done selecting her outfit, the girl then goes to the dining room where her father is preparing breakfast for her and her mother in the kitchen

"Can I help you with anything?" She walked into the kitchen whilst raising one of her eyebrows curiously her father hummed as he replies with "Hmm, it's all good Sunny."

Sunny then walked away and goes to the dishes where she is preparing her own breakfast meal that is already being cooked by her own father, she grabs the plate and spoon then scooped up some portionable size of rice onto the plate with the rice spoon

When she is done, she approach the food that is still hot and steaming on the pot, grabbing some good amount of it and started eating in the dining room with her father

"Oh and also before you eat, please wake up your mother from sleeping and tell her to eat breakfast first." Sunny nodded and heading her way towards the bedroom where her parents rest and knocks on the door gently then opening it

"Mama, wake up. It's time to eat breakfast." Sunny called out to her mother slowly as her mother sits up and yawns as she looked at her own daughter casting a small smile as she replies "Okay, sweetie."

As she and her parents eating together, her father strikes Sunny a question "Right, today is your day that you'll get your first Pokemon isn't it?" She looked at her father as she answers with "Yeah, also can I travel with my friend while I'm going to explore more about Pokemon?"

Her mother expressed an unreadable expression as she asked her daughter "But your friends are boys?" And then her father changes his face into a threatening expression as soon as he heard what Sunny's mother has said when he looks at his own daughter

Sunny is unfazed by the sudden change of atmosphere in the house "I have a friend that is a girl." The both of her parents asked the same question "What is her name?" Sunny looked at the both of her parents as she said "Misty. Apparently she is a gym leader who specializes in water-type Pokemons"

"Is that enough proof?" She asked the both of her parents with an aloof demeanor as she continues to eat her meal, the both of her parents eventually agrees although they are still unsure and worry about her going alone on a journey

Sunny then prepared her stuff on a backpack after she is done eating her whole meal of breakfast, suddenly her mother appeared in her room dramatically "My baby.. changed into a woman..." Her mother whines as she approach Sunny with a hug

"Mama... please stop you're reacting weird again." Sunny groaned before she hugs back her mother hesitantly her mother then answers her complaints "I know! I know! It's just that seeing you fully grown up from being a little baby into a full grown child is just so nostalgic to me.."

"I'm 10 years old..." Sunny sweatdropped as her mother seperated the hug by patting her on the head gently "I know sweetie, just- good luck out there, okay? And be careful from the bad guys too. Always be caution no matter what."

"Roger that, mama." Sunny raised her hand and placed it onto her forehead energitically as she smiles at her mother reassuringly hoping to calm her down

Thankfully it worked as she goes to the door where outside is at, before doing so she bows down respectfully towards both of her parents as a gratitude for taking care of her and allowing her to travel just to reach her dreams

She waved goodbye and smiled gently at her parents as she is walking away from home from them tearing up a little bit from the seperation between her and her parents, when she is already far away from her home Sunny immediately wipes her tears away and excitingly running towards Professor Oak's laboratory

When she is almost reaching her destination, crowds are appearing infront of the Professor Oak's lab. She thought this commotion was caused by Gary as Sunny passing through the crowd gently as to not pushing them away and saying apologies if she did it by accident

Once she made it infront of the door to Professor Oak's lab she unfortunately couldn't keep her own excitement towards herself as she shakingly knocks on the door, getting second-hand embarrasment

Sunny's excitement vanished almost immediately as the door opened by Gary Oak, Professor Oak's grandson. Gary smirked at her "I thought that you'll be the one whos gonna be earlier than I am but look at here we are." He crossed his arms and leaned on the door

Sunny unenthusiastically reacted against Gary "Atleast I'm not late."

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