Chapter 45: That Jerk Never Dies!

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As consciousness gradually returns, I find myself greeted by the gentle touch of Wu-jin's fingers, tenderly stroking through my hair. "Morning, Rae," he murmurs, his voice retaining that comforting raspiness that never fails to soothe me. 

It's a simple moment, but in his touch and in his voice, I find a sense of warmth and reassurance for some reason!

"Morning, Jin." I greeted him with a smile as I sat up in bed, and he mirrored my expression.

"Y'know, I actually had a dream about you?" he said, turning to me with a curious sparkle in his eyes.

"Really?" I responded with a sarcastic chuckle. "You?" I playfully pointed at him. "Dreaming about me?" I gestured to myself, chuckling along. "I find that hard to believe!"

"It's true! We were married and had two kids!"

"Two kids?!" I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my tone. "I bet that was a wild dream!" I chuckled, a smile tugging at my lips.

"It was! We went through a whole Kdrama love story!"

"That's....crazy." I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Well-" Dae-su's interruption startled me as he barged into the room uninvited. "Yah! Come on, lovebirds! Get ready!!" His smirk showed mischief as he swiftly left the room. 

"Dae-su's annoying. Come on, let's get ready." Snatching up my trusty, overstuffed backpack, I made a beeline for the bathroom, eager to freshen up and change. To be specific, take a shower and change!

I went for a relaxed vibe. A black graphic tee paired with a snug light grey hoodie felt just right. And of course, can't forget the flair of black flare leggings, always my go-to!

If I'm going to encounter zombies, let me at least look hot doing it!

Stepping out of the bathroom, I made my way to the living room where Su-hyeok, Cheong-san, Nam-ra, and Kwan-yoo lounged on the couch, seemingly lost in conversation.

"I see you have taste in style!" Kwan-yoo exclaimed, prompting a chuckle from me. "Well, if we're going to be battling zombies along the way, might as well do it in style!"

"Just wait till it's covered in bloodstains!" Su-hyeok quipped with a smirk.

"It better not. I adore these clothes. Got 'em at the camp!" I replied with a hint of defiance, determined to keep my outfit pristine amidst the chaos.

The remaining members of the group converged in the living room and kitchen, each preparing themselves for the journey ahead. "As ready as we'll ever be," Dae-su declared, zipping up his coat with a sense of determination that mirrored our own.

"I hope this plan pans out, On-jo," Cheong-san fretted, his concern evident in his furrowed brow.

"It's gotta work," On-jo affirmed with unwavering resolve, her voice carrying the weight of their collective hopes.

With our preparations complete and a few snacks in hand just in case, we braced ourselves for the journey ahead.

As we gathered our belongings, Cheong-san checked outside to see if there was any sign of zombies

Outside, the air was thick with an eerie stillness, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves in the breeze. Cheong-san scanned the perimeter with a trained eye, searching for any signs of growls of zombies.

Finally, Cheong-san reappeared, his expression a mix of relief and determination.

"It's clear," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of reassurance. "I do smell zombies around here, but as long as we're quiet, we're fine." He reassured us.

With a collective sigh of relief, we stepped out into the unknown. "Let's hope your Hambie senses were rig-" He was interrupted by a slap on the shoulders from Hyo-ryeong. "What did I do?!"

"Be quiet!" She hissed as we carefully took our steps into the woods. We walked as slowly as we could, making sure not to trip or fall.

Mostly Hyo-ryeong and Wu-jin.

Wait." Cheong-san's voice stopped us in our tracks, his sudden seriousness causing a ripple of concern among us.

"What is it?" Su-hyeok whispered, his eyes darting around nervously.

"Run." Cheong-san's urgent tone sent a jolt of fear through me as the sound of approaching zombies grew louder.

These zombies are literally obsessed with us?!

Caught in the chaos of battling obsessed zombies, I noticed Kwan-yoo with zombie blood on her arm. Fear spiked, I couldn't let the same thing that happen to Gyeong-su, happen to Kwan-yoo.

I hurried over, using my hoodie to wipe the blood away, though it stained my favorite hoodie.

"You okay?" I asked Kwan-yoo.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." she replied, already back in the fight.

 I grabbed a sharp piece of bark, stabbed it into the zombies' necks, determined to kill all of them."Damn, I miss being a Hambie!" I exclaimed, hitting the ground hard as a zombie shoved me down. Swiftly, I pushed it away before it could sink its teeth into my neck.

Jeez I'm not Bella from Twilight...

"ON-JO! WHERE'S OUR ESCAPE ROUTE?! ZOMBIES ARE EVERYWHERE!" I think that was Dae-su who shouted.

Thankfully, we fought through the horde of zombies with relative ease. There weren't as many as we feared.

Wielding my trusty piece of bark, I jabbed at the approaching zombies with all the finesse of a tired survivor in a B-movie. Seriously, I thought we were done with this whole zombie apocalypse thing! But nope, here we were again, playing whack-a-zombie like it's the latest fitness craze.

As I fended off the zombies horde, exhaustion crept in like an uninvited guest at a party that just won't end. I mean, come on, I've already survived one apocalypse, can't a girl catch a break?

But hey, amidst the chaos and exhaustion, there's still a glimmer of hope, or maybe it's just the reflection off some zombie's slimy head. Either way, I refuse to let this zombie party crash my plans for survival. So here's to poking zombies with sharp sticks and hoping for the best. Who knew the zombie apocalypse would double as a workout gym?

I'm actually gaining muscles from this...

Finally the zombies are useful!

Even Dae-su is starting to get skinnier!!

As I found myself pinned down by yet another relentless zombie for what felt like the eight-hundredth time, my gaze wandered to a pair of ashy, red shoes.

Red shoes that, once seen, I wished I could unsee. They sent a shiver down my spine, a stark reminder of a certain someone.

Yoon Fucking Gwi-nam.

Seriously, does that asshole ever stay dead?

"Hello there, princess," he greeted, his voice dripping with sarcasm as his lips curled into an unsettling smirk.


He gives the ick....

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