A Tragedy Happened

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I woke up and as any other day, continue doing my work. Suddenly, my friend came to my house. However, it was an office hour and there weren't any public holidays.

I welcomed him home and asked what's the occasion. He said that I'm a suspect in Kausar Bertram's murder case. Apparently, he's a bureau. So, he's in charge of Kausar's case.

He asked about an article of me disapproving his statement, resulting in a quarrel between us.

Me : Kausar said that he has created a water powered car. Most scientists and chemists know that it isn't possible in this era. I spoke out against him to stop spreading a rumour.

He agreed with me because he too has some science knowledge.

Before him leaving,

My friend : I hope you didn't kill him just because he spread a rumour.

I would never kill someone just to prove a point. So, there's nothing to worry about. I was planning to go to the library, a usual spot I go to ease my mind. Suddenly, I woke up at the library. I thought I might've overslept and went home.

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