Like A Dream

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Frieren and Y/n were running through an alleyway, and they soon got behind some boxes. Y/n gets off of the box.

Y/n: Do you have any idea why they are looking for us?

Frieren: Not a clue.

Y/n: Why do I get the feeling you're lying?

???: Ms.Freren, what are you doing here?

They both look back to see Fern and Stark.

Frieren: Quiet. We're being pursued

Stark pecks around the corner and sees the guards.

Stark: Wh-What did you two even do?

Frieren: I don't know.

Y/n shrugs his shoulders.

Frieren: We were just visiting the magic shops, blacksmith, and then...

Stark turns around to see the guard from before standing behind him. He then gets on his knees.

Guard: I'm sorry, Ms.Frieren! Please forgive me!

Y/n then looks at Frieren.

Y/n: So I was right, it does have something to do with you.

Frieren: Wait. I don't like where this is going.

Another man starts walking up to them.

???: It seems the guard captain was rude to you. As the castellan of this city, I offer my apologies.

Frieren: It doesn't bother me. He was just doing his job as a guard. I'm not in any kind of hurry. I'm taking my time

Man: You plan to travel north again, don't you? I hear the northern lands are currently engaged in an endless conflict. with the remnants of the Demon King's forces.

Y/n: "Is he talking about those other demons from before? I'm surprised they are still fighting, kind of. But I wonder what they could be after."

Man: Please feel free to pass through the checkpoint.

Y/n: Wait it was that easy?

Frieren drops one of her books.

Y/n: You knew about this didn't you elf?

Frieren: Yes, I was intending to wait until they would have opened the gate.

They are soon in front of the gate with a long line of guards on each side of the gate with people celebrating. They began walking to the gate.

Fern: I can't believe we're getting through this easily. Shouldn't we have told them who you were from the start?

Frieren: I didn't think there was any point. I just want to take my time.

Y/n: Is all of this necessary, a bit dramatic that humans are getting over the years? Celebrating every small thing there is.

Stark: I'm glad I got to see it, though.

Y/n: Makes sense for you, this is just nerve-racking.

They soon reach the gate as it starts to slowly open.

Stark: This must be how my master departed for the north, too.

Y/n suddenly gets memories of him and his sister conquering a kingdom, as there were bodies on the ground, houses were burning and ash was in the air. Then there was a pile of bodies on the ground stacked up on top of each other, with him on top of the bodies.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End x malereaderWhere stories live. Discover now