Chapter 7. Internal Conflict of The United Terran

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Geneva, Headquarters of United Terran, 3 August 2140, 08:00 am

This event happened after the incident at the Fortisregnum Empire's grand banquet. Ambassador Lucien and Jhonny Bean reported the incident to the United Terran leaderboard in Geneva. Ambassador Lucien became the primary target for assassination by elite commandos from the Novacan Empire, a rival of the Fortisregnum Empire.

"Report to the leaderboard of United Terran, two days ago, I became a primary target of an assassination by elite commandos from the Novacara Empire, a rival of the Fortisregnum Empire. Their crown prince is jealous because his sweetheart has fallen in love with me. Fortunately, our spec ops unit could eliminate that target and interrogate one survivor." Lucien reported to the UT leaderboards.

"Huh, assassination because he is jealous his sweetheart has stolen by you? Yeah, maybe some people who have absolute power could kill somebody just for a mere absurd reason." Hugo argues that absolute power can be corrupted and used to kill somebody for a simple reason.

"What kind of information did you get from that survivor?" Hugo asked Julien and Jhonny.

"We have information about the Novacara Empire's relation with Imperio Estelar, a great power in this world similar to the Spanish Empire in the colonial and industrial era, and the Angles Empire, a nation similar to the British Empire and the United Kingdom in WW1 and early WWII era," Jhonny responds that there is a relationship between the Novacara Empire and the Imperio Estelar, and the Angles Empire that a superpower nation in this world.

"So there is a cooperation between the Novacara Empire and Imperio Estelar? I fear that if Imperio Estelar had exported some colonial or industrial-age technology to the Novacara Empire, the Fortisregnum Empire would have been no match against the Novacara Empire backed by Imperio Estelar's weapons. I think the Novacara Empire will prepare and stack their weapons from Imperio Estelar to invade the Fortisregnum Empire. We must take action but can not intervene directly. I suggest we export WWII or Cold War weapons to the Fortisregnum Empire to protect their territory against the Novacara Empire." Hugo argues that the United Terran must export their WWII or Cold War weapons to the Fortisregnum Empire.

"Yes, we can export our WWII or Cold War weapons to the Fortisregnum Empire. However, we do not have the blueprint of WWII technology. I think we could make and export the modernized WWII weapons. For example, we could create a modified STG 44 assault rifle or MG42 with 7.62 x 51 mm NATO instead of 7.91 x 33 mm Mauser. We could build the modified Panther tank based on Leopard 2 technology (basically a Panther Tank with Leopard 2 capability). We could create a modified Me 262 with Cold War or early 21st-century technology for aircraft. Even though these weapons significantly improved the military power of the Fortisregnum Empire, we must create a certain treaty that these weapons are only used for defense, not offensive. We would coordinate with the International Consortium for Military Technology (ICMT) to produce modernized WWII or Cold War weapons based on 21st-century technology. We will remove advanced electronic systems if we send them weapons based on 21st-century technology." General Alexander Eisenhower explained that UT will send the modernized version of WII technology.

"Are you sure that will send modified and modernized WWII weapons to the Fortisregnum Empire?". Hugo asked General Alexander about the modernized WWII weapons.

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