Chapter 13. Military Training of Fortisregnum Empire

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Warning: This chapter contains profane language used during military training.

Secret Special Training Facilities, United Terran, 1 November 2140, 09:00 am

In the secret special training facilities of United Terran International Special Forces (UT ISF), Maximus and 100 elite legions of the Fortisregnum Empire are training under the drill instructor for new modern types of equipment for the Fortisregnum Empire. Colonel Robert Lee Ermey, the descendant of famous sergeant drill instructor Richard Lee Ermey, became the drill instructor for Maximus and his elite legions. He is a UT International Special Forces drill instructor from the Marine UT branch.

"Good morning, ladies of Fortisregnum Empire. My name is Colonel Robert Lee Ermey, and I will be your drill instructor during your special training. Based on the information of a high-ranking officer, all of you are the best of the best legions in the Fortisregnum Empire. Is it true?" Colonel Ermey asked the legions

"Sir, yes, sir." Maximus and all elite legions respond.

"I heard some of you could fight with lions, tigers and bears only with shield and sword in the Colosseum arena. Is it true?" Colonel Ermey asked again.

"Sir, yes, sir." Maximus and all elite legions respond.

"Yes, all of you are strong. I approve of that. However, in front of modern weapons, your power is nothing. Today, until your training is finished, I will drill all of you to become the best special force, equivalent to our ISF. You, come here and fight me here. Use everything you have got to defeat me. However, you can not use magic to boost your body and strength; only pure skill is allowed." Colonel Ermey orders Maximus to fight him.

"Sir, yes, Sir. I will do my best, sir". Maximus is the leader of the Fortisregnum Empire legions. He is intelligent and robust among the legions.

As the drill instructor, Colonel Ermey is a master of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP), a master of Krav Maga, boxing, and Brazillian Jiu-jitsu. Even though Maximus's body is more robust than Colonel Ermey's, he knows how to defeat Maximus with his best technique.

As Maximus stepped forward to face Colonel Ermey in hand-to-hand combat, he knew he faced a formidable opponent. Despite his own physical strength and martial prowess, he recognized Colonel Ermey's skill and experience.

Maximus lunged forward With a focused expression, aiming to overwhelm Colonel Ermey with sheer force. His movements were swift and calculated, and his muscles tensed with determination. However, Colonel Ermey effortlessly sidestepped Maximus's initial attack, his movements smooth and controlled.

Colonel Ermey countered Maximus's assault with lightning speed, seamlessly transitioning between martial arts techniques. He utilized the principles of MCMAP to deflect Maximus's strikes, drawing upon his mastery of Krav Maga to exploit openings in Maximus's defense.

Maximus fought with all his might, but Colonel Ermey's skill and precision proved too much to overcome. Colonel Ermey swiftly gained the upper hand with a swift combination of strikes and grappling maneuvers, effortlessly neutralizing Maximus's attacks.

Despite Maximus's best efforts, the seasoned drill instructor outmaneuvered and outmatched him. Colonel Ermey swiftly subdued Maximus with a final decisive move, pinning him to the ground with controlled force.

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