Chapter 32. Interrogation of Black Shadow

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Noplos City, Noplos Region, 21 April 2141 / 21 Aprilis 1841, 09:00 am

After Mr. 08 and Captain Petrenko regrouped with the remaining forces of Commander Dietrich, Mr. 08 reported the result of Commander Dietrich's failed attack on Copoa Town in the Cosorto Region to Mr. 03 and Duke Romulus. Mr. 03 is furious because another failed against the enemy. Also, the enemy was already on the border between the Cosorto and Noplos Region.

Mr. 03 could not contact Mr. 08 today. There are three possibilities: First, the enemy is already jamming the connection around the Noplos Region. Second, the Legionnaires and United Terran forces have already wiped out Mr. 08 and Captain Petrenko's unit. Third, the enemy has already captured them.

If the second option has happened, the slave army faction will only lose its best units and Black Shadow's leaderboard. However, if the third option happens, Mr. 08 and Captain Petrenko could provide information about the slave faction and Black Shadow.

"How can we not contact Mr. 08 and Captain Petrenko? Mr. 06, could you contact them using your secret communication devices?" Mr. 03 asked Mr. 06, the leader of Tyomnyy Rytsar's unit.

"I am sorry, Sir. I could not contact Captain Petrenko and Mr. 08. There was no signal from the receiver. I assume they are already dead or captured by the enemy." Mr. 06 responds.

As the leader of Tyomnyy Rytsar' unit, Mr. 06 could contact all commanders and officers conducting the mission. Mr. 06 already informed Captain Petrenko about enemy operatives' power, especially from the United Terran. He also knows this mission is impossible to win because they are fighting a similar hyperpower nation with their fully advanced and modern weapons and equipment.

"Sir. May I share my thoughts with both of you?" Mr. 06 asked permission to Mr. 03 and Duke Romulus.

"Go ahead, Mr. 06. I hope you can give us a possible idea against the enemy already advancing to us." Mr. 03 responds.

"Based on the result of our operative's mission and the battle result, I think we cannot finish and win this civil war, Sir. The best option is to make a stalemate condition with our Leninium jet fighters and Stalinium main battle tanks to hold the enemy's advance. I also suggest we retreat from Noplos City back to Pampoi City and create a defensive stance around the Pampoi Region." Mr. 06 thinks of the special operation unit and is a realist.

Mr. 03 and Duke Romulus were silent after hearing Mr. 06's condition and suggestion. They also knew they could not stand a chance to fight the incoming legionnaires full of modern and advanced weapons, equipment, and vehicles. If they still stood in Noplos City, the enemy could kill or capture all of them. However, if they retreated, they betrayed their comrade's sacrifice, whom the legionnaires had already killed.

"Could we defend the Noplos City from the incoming enemy?" Duke Romulus asked Mr. 03 and Mr. 06

"Unfortunately, we cannot defend the city with our current strength, Your Excellence. Based on the survivor from Commander Dietrich's unit, the enemy utilized long-range artillery, which could bombard us from extended ranges. Also, the enemy utilized MBTs and IFVs that can withstand the APDS rounds from 105 mm KWK L/52 and 128 mm KWK L/52. They also utilized SPAAG, which was capable of shooting down low-flying aircraft and wyvern. Their jet fighters are capable of shooting missiles or 'homing arrows' at long ranges. If we fight them with our current strength in the Noplos City, our fate will not be different from our fallen comrades." Mr. 06 responds realistically.

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