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“It’s a lovely home you have here Amber,” Sam said, smiling as he handed me the last of the dishes.

I smiled, looking around at the wooden kitchen. “Thank you Sam. Emrys and I built it ourselves,” I said, before looking down at the dishes in the sink, continuing to wash the last few plates.

“It’s quite impressive,” Natasha said, sitting down at the table.

Emrys smiled. “You should see what she did outside the house.”

Natasha looked at me with interested eyes. “Oh, do tell, please.”

I giggled. “Sure.”

I placed the last plate on the drying rack before grabbing a cloth, drying my hands off. I walked into the dining toom, where Natasha, Sam, Bucky and Emrys sat down.

“Tinker,” I called, causing a holographic screen to suddenly appear near the wall.

Everyone seemed surprised.

“Yes, Miss Bell?” a female voice spoke, giving everyone a fright. Her voice came from every direction, causing everyone to be confused, yet calm.

Tinker was my system, just like Tony created Jarvis and Friday and Edith. It was at first hard, but the moment I got the hang of it, I went all out. Soon I had a full voice and auto tune, perfect pronunciations of words and speed. I managed to link her with camera’s in the house, my suit, door locks, monitors, appliances and many more. She can now control almost every device and modify anything.

“Open outside monitors, cameras, trackers, wires, alarms and beams.”

“Sure thing.”

Suddenly the holographic screen filled with live shots of the surroundings of the house.

With wide eyes Natasha leaned forward, a smile on her lips. In the middle of the screen a map of the house was pinned. Around it was different coloured dots, all scattered, yet in patterns.

“Show cameras,” I said, before, standing aside from the screen.

“Sure thing.”

It was like the entire screen moved aside as it switched to live footages of the house surroundings.

The three dogs were in the backyard chasing each other around Dean as he stood laughing. Carol sat watching him, a smile on her lips.

Cameras were set on the entrances of the woods, the roads leading to the house, woods, every corner of the outside house and the garage doors.

“Everything outside the house is being monitored. That’s how Emrys knew about us arriving yesterday. I have beams,” I gestured to the road we entered, “situated on both sides of the road. It is quite impressive, but also high tech. We get alerted immediately when someone trips a beam. There are many situated here,” I pointed at the woods around the house, “and here. They are spread everywhere. There are also wires and small traps. But don’t worry, they won’t just set off.”

With amazement, Natasha stood up, examining the footages.

“Amber, these are amazing!” Sam said from his seat. “This must’ve been extremely expensive.”

Emrys looked at me and smiled. “Sam, I have enough savings that I’m at least half as rich as Tony,” I said, surprising them.

“Where did you get all of this?” Natasha said, walking up to the screen.

I laughed. “I made most of it myself. Some of it I bought from a source. But it’s all safe and runs on solar panels.”

Natasha looked at the map of the house and its surroundings, but it looked more like floor plans. Lightly she tapped on it, causing it to turn into a virtual plan. Suddenly she noticed the solar panels on the roof and smiled.

“It’s all environmentally safe, all recyclable, all childproof and all untraceable. I checked for that one myself.”

With a smile, Sam stood up. “I’m proud of what you have accomplished Monroe-”

“Kavan,” I interrupted, looking at him.

“Kavan,” he corrected. “This is all amazing. You’re like mini-Stark.”

“God no,” I said as I exhaled loudly.

Sam laughed, leaning against a wall. “You’ve done good.”

I smiled, before hearing Dean call my name. I turned around, seeing him laughing as one of the dogs tackled him down. Carol sat petting another dog, while the third was missing. I excused myself, before going outside, swinging Dean up from the ground, flying him around in the air. Carol smiled, watching me and Dean.

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