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Steve crossed his arms as he exhaled. “We have to return it Amber. We have no choice.”

I sighed, placing down the knife. “I know Steve. But can we not just delay it by a few weeks. Just long enough for me to go through the files and-”

“No!” Steve said loudly, making me silent. “Amber, we have to return it soon. And delaying it is not an option. You gave us two weeks, and we’re working fast enough to make it-”

“I don’t care about how long it takes anymore Steve. All I care about now is the files.” I took a deep breath. “Steve, this is more important than having two strangers in my house. We can-”

“We’re not delaying it!” he yelled louder, making me sigh as I looked down.


“This thing will be working by the weekend, and then I’m entering that machine with the hard drive. It’s already been decided. I don’t care if the files seem important.”

I sighed, before turning around, leaning my hands against the sink as I took a deep breath. “You’ve turned selfish Steve,” I said, before bending down, pulling a round plate out from under the sink. I returned to the counter, where I started placing the triangle cut sandwiches down in a spiral pattern.

Steve sighed. “Amber, I-”

“How long?” I asked, looking up at him.

He frowned. “How long what?” he asked confused.

I placed the plate down on the tray, next to all the glasses and the orange juice. “How long have you been screwing Sharon?” I asked, meeting his eyes again.

He sighed. “Can we really not get into this Amber. I can’t right now.”

I chuckled. “Right. Like you’re the one who had to live with my child for five years; having hope that when you returned home, I’d be waiting for you, because for all you knew I would have searched for you, and not someone I had a crush on eighty years ago. Who was most likely dead by now.”

Steve was speechless, watching me lift the tray.

“You’ve turned selfish Steve. This is not the Steve I knew and loved. This is a nobody.”

Without expecting, or waiting for a response, I made my way out of the kitchen with the tray, and out of the back door. Into the woods, I saw the others from a distance, working on the machine. Dean was sitting with Natasha, and I noticed a book in her hands. She was probably reading to him.
I placed the tray down on a bench, making my presence visible. Natasha looked at me, awaiting an answer, but I shook my head sadly, making her look at me in disbelief.

Behind me, Steve appeared, making me walk away, sitting down next to Natasha.

“What happened?” she asked, making me sigh.

“He refuses to delay his mission,” I said, making her look at Steve. “He’s just so needy to get this mission over with, that whatever the hard drive holds, is not important enough. It’s clearly useless in his mind.”

Natasha sighed. “Well, the hard drive probably doesn’t help him in his life, so he probably doesn’t want to care.”

I chuckled, making her smile. My eyes moved forward, watching everyone work. Scott was busy working on an iPad, while Carol, Sam and Bucky were busy mending a pushing the machine together. Emrys helped Scott with wiring, while Steve was talking to Sam. Dean had run after a dog, when I sat down, but I made sure to keep my eye on him. A dog sat down in between my legs, making me smile, petting him.

“What are their names?” Carol asked, suddenly sitting down next to me.

I smiled. “This one is Peter. For Peter Pan.” I pointed to the one who was playing with Dean. “That one is Felix,” I said, before pointing at the third one, sleeping at the bench. “And that one there is Silas.”
Natasha looked at me. “For Mavi Silas?” she asked, making me nod slowly.

“Yeah. Silas is quite a gender-neutral name, so I figured I’d give a dog the name.”

Carol smiled. “I like it.”

Suddenly a crackling noise spread through our ears, making us look up at Sam as he switched on a radio. In confusion we looked at him, seeing him smile as he switched the channels, before a clear one popped up. A song spread out from the speakers, making him nod in self approval.

Natasha laughed, seeing him and Scott start dancing like weird people. I laughed with her, making Sam look at me. Without even waiting a second he made his way to me, giving his hand out. I looked at him with wide eyes, shaking my head as I chuckled. Yet, even with my refusal, he grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. I knew I no longer had a choice, so I didn’t even fight it. I took his hand as he placed the other on my hip, leading me into a dance. I laughed, actually seeing what a good dancer he was.

We spun around the time machine, while Emrys managed to get Natasha to dance. She looked like she was enjoying it, and at the same time Emrys looked happy himself. I smiled, before looking at Sam, seeing him look impressed with himself.

Somewhere through the song, Sam spun me out, where Bucky suddenly grabbed my hands, making me dance with him. I chuckled, looking into his ocean eyes. Lightly I glanced to the side, seeing Steve sitting alone, but Sam had Sharon in his hands as they spun around as well.

“I missed you when I woke up this morning,” Bucky said, making me look at him. He looked at me as he spoke softly. “The bed was quite empty.”

I smiled softly. “I didn’t want to wake you up.”
He smiled. “It wouldn’t have bothered me.”

Suddenly the song ended, and everyone started giggling. Yet, Bucky’s eyes stayed on mine as he didn’t let me go.

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