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It's really amazing how the slightest change can have the biggest effects on Writer's Block. I've been stuck on this chapter for over 2 months now, and I decided to change one sentence and remove one paragraph, and suddenly I was able to escape my Writer's Block and actually finish this chapter, plus another and start yet another!

Needless to say the Sakaki parents, Yusho and Yoko, were not happy when they found out that Yuri had shoved a kid's head in a toilet for the third time this year. The only thing that stopped them from grounding their son was the fact that he was once again defending Yuya from a bully.

"Why do people like picking on you?" Yusho asked Yuya over the family's daily video chat. The Sakaki father was out of the country touring the world at the moment, and wouldn't be home for another couple weeks. He was a world-famous magician, and his tours provided enough money for his family to live comfortably. Of course that didn't mean he let his kids think that being rich made them exempt from following rules and laws. No, he and his wife made sure their kids were good kids.

"I think I know why people pick on him," Zarc said. "He just gives off an innocent vibe, like he would never even think of defending himself because he would never want to hurt anyone even if they hurt him first. And evil is attracted to innocence. It wants to break the innocent and destroy them. So it makes sense that people like to bully him. They just don't expect it when he actually fights back, or when Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo come to his defense."

Zarc was majoring in psychology, so he probably knew what he was talking about. Yoko sighed. "Well, as mad as we are that you did that Yuri, we know you were just protecting your brother. Just... please try to find a different solution next time? Preferably one that doesn't involve you trying to feed a bully to your plants?"

That was another thing Yuri liked to do to Yuya's bullies, and was in fact what had gotten him expelled from their last school. Last time he had actually managed to succeed in getting one of the bullies bitten by one of his prized plants. While it hadn't been able to actually eat the bully, the plant did produce a toxic-to-humans enzyme that got into the bite mark, and the bully had to be rushed to the hospital. He survived, but Yuri had been expelled from school for the incident.

Yuri pouted and looked away from his I-Pad. After a moment, he spoke in a petulant tone, "Yes, Mother."

"Good!" Yoko said. "I'll have some homemade apple pie sent home from the set tonight! Behave for Zarc, boys!"

Yuri immediately brightened at the mention of homemade apple pie, and he and his brothers all cheered. Their mother's apple pie was one of their favorite treats! Yuto and Zarc were always begging Yoko to teach them her recipe. Yuya and Yugo licked their lips thinking about the pie they were going to have that night.

Their parents had to go shortly after the mention of pie, so the video chat ended. Yuya flopped backwards onto his bed, closing his eyes. He was thinking about taking a nap, when there was a knock on his door. "Hmm?"

"Hey Yuya? Can you play the piano for us?" Yugo called through the door.

Immediately, Yuya sat up. "Yeah! I'll be right there!" Yuya was a very talented musician and performer, and his brothers often asked him to play music for them. The youngest Sakaki brother had even written some songs and would sometimes sing them for his family.

Yuya came down to the living room where his brothers were waiting for him. The grand piano sat in the corner of the room, with a few poufs around it which seated the older four Sakaki brothers. They smiled encouragingly at Yuya as he walked over to the piano and sat down to play. "I call this song Aurora's Embrace!"

Yuya played a song he had recently composed, one that he'd been working on for a couple of months. The song was beautiful, in the style of classical music, and Yuya was quite proud of it.

"Did you come up with lyrics for that song?" Yuto asked as Yuya ended his song. Yuya nodded happily. "Yeah, I did! Wanna hear them?"

"Yeah!" his brothers all said eagerly. Yuya smiled and started playing the song again, but this time singing.

"In the golden morning light,
As the dawn breaks through the night,
Aurora's gentle touch,
Paints the sky with hues so bright.

Whispers of the rising sun,
Warmth spreads across the land,
Nature awakes from slumber,
Embracing the day's gentle hand.

In the stillness of the morn,
Beauty unfolds before our eyes,
Colors dancing in the sky,
A symphony of sunrise.

As the day fades to black,
And the shadows start to grow,
Aurora's final kiss,
Sets the horizon aglow.

Evening's gentle lullaby,
Soothing whispers in the sky,
As the night unfolds its cloak,
We bid the day goodbye.

Sunrise, sunset, a timeless dance,
Aurora's embrace, a fleeting glance,
In the cycle of light and dark,
Nature's eternal spark."

Yuya's brothers all applauded when Yuya finished his song, and Yuya beamed as he stood up and gave a bow. Zarc reached out and ruffled his tomato hair. "That was amazing, Yuya! I'm so proud of you!"

Yuya smiled. "Thanks, Zarc!"

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