Chapter 60 : A Sense of Oppression

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Inside the Pokemon Gym, only the trainees were left. All the instructors and seniors had left. Only a few new Pokemon Trainers over the age of 10 were assigned to keep an eye on the trainees and help them out if need be. Everyone else was in their respective positions.

Suddenly, everyone in the Gym felt tremors. It caused many to be surprised and lose their balance. A few items in the rooms fell to the ground. Psychic energy covered Orion and he began floating in his room as he wondered, ‘That's weird. Did the tide break through the defence on the very first day?’

He thought for a bit before concluding, ‘No, it is probably done by our side. After all, the Tide has many Pokemons who can travel underground and Earthquake would be a good way to kill them. Still, it'll also hit our side. The army must be very brave to use this tactic. Or perhaps they already made some arrangements. Oh well, I should check if it's safe to watch the battle from a close distance.’

Unlike Orion, the rest of the trainees weren't so calm. Almost everyone rushed towards the hall in panic. Thankfully, they were calmed down by their seniors.

Orion left his room as well and travelled towards one of the balconies in the Gym. For the first time in 5 years, he felt that the Gym was empty.

En route, he thought, ‘Even though it feels like there is no one here, I can feel a very strong presence keeping an eye inside the Gym. I guess it must be the Pokemons responsible for maintaining the barriers. Most likely her Mr. Mime, though there might be more.’

The top floors of the Gym were off-limits for unauthorized personnel. Orion just went on the balcony on the highest floor accessible to him. As soon as he could see outside, his eyes began glowing with Psychic energy as he observed the invisible barrier.

He observed, ‘I see. They have only activated the outermost barrier… I guess the other two will probably be activated only if the outermost one is destroyed. Besides, even though the two barriers aren't active, they should still function as a surveillance tool. The Psychic Pokemons should be able to detect if someone moved through the barrier or even teleported in.’

“Hey, you! Go back inside the Gym! It's too risky here!” Not even a minute had passed since Orion appeared on the balcony when one of the trainers flew towards him.

Orion turned his gaze towards him and saw a 13-year-old boy moving towards him on a Pidgeot that was around level 41. He immediately appeared in front of Orion, who was leaning on the railing. He said once again, “Go back inside.”

Orion said, “Don't worry. I can protect myself.”

He grabbed two Pokéballs and released Kadabra and Rhydon. The trainer who had appeared to warn him was dumbfounded as he could see that Rhydon and Kadabra were around the same level as his Pidgeot! For a second, he even began doubting whether Orion was really a trainee.

Thankfully for him, Orion added, “Master Cedric guided me to raise Pokemons. So I can take care of myself. I might even be able to provide you guys with some long-range assistance.”

Hearing that, the trainer nodded and flew away. He was aware that Sabrina's Psychic Pokemons were keeping an eye on the Gym. If there was any issue with Orion, they would have neutralized him long ago.

Orion looked towards the borders of the city. Even though his eyesight was very good, it was just too far away to be able to see anything. Since it was the first day of the battle, he didn't dare to move closer to the front lines.

While he did have some ideas, they were washed away due to the oppression he could feel from the front lines. Despite all his adventures, Orion understood at a glance that he wasn't ready for this kind of battle.

He muttered, “I thought that they don't allow anyone under 15 to participate in Pokemon Tides just to keep the younger generation safe. However, that might not be entirely true. Perhaps only years of travelling in the wild could prepare a Trainer to participate in such a battle.”

It was as Orion had guessed. Even though his Pokemons were decently strong and he had risked his life several times, Orion had never experienced what it was like to fight when people died around every minute! Most Pokemon Trainers under the age of 15 would just freeze due to terror in such a situation. Many could desert despite knowing the consequences of doing so.

Back on the frontlines, Eliza commanded, ‘Bug and Grass type Trainers, make your move. Others assist them with Flying type Pokemons. Ice and Fire type Trainers, stay on standby.’

Hearing her command, the Trainers brought out their Grass and Bug type Pokemons. Everyone else got out of their way.
“Sleep Powder”
“Poison Powder”
“Stun Spore”

Every single Pokemon they released were instructed to use one of these 4 moves! Soon after, the Flying type Pokemons used Gust to spread those powders towards the incoming tide!

The Pokemons that had survived the deadly Earthquake and rushed to the surface were immediately welcomed by these deadly moves. Most of them fell asleep. The ones who didn't were paralyzed and badly poisoned.

The winds carried these powders for over a kilometre. Beyond that, the powders were too dispersed to have much of an impact. Regardless, several thousand Pokemons fell prey to these moves. And it would prove to be fatal as the Tide wouldn't be stopping for them.

The Tide continued moving, trampling any Pokemon that lay in their path to death without a shred of mercy. Tens of thousands of Pokemons died just due to being trampled! It lifted the morale of the Pokemon Trainers, but not by much. They were aware that the real tide was yet to come!

The Pokemons in the Tide weren't dumb either. Even though they trampled others from the Tide, they realized that everyone who faced the humans by then had been wiped out. In addition, they could smell those powders in the air. That along with the Pokemons they were trampling, slowed down the speed of the tide. As a result, Exeggutors, who were the defacto leaders of this Tide, began passing orders.

Groups of Pidgeot and Fearow made their move. They used Gust as well to prevent humans from using the same tactic. And under the cover of the Gust, a herd of Taurus and another herd of Rapidash and Ponyta charged towards the city!

Eliza noticed these changes and thought, ‘Hmm, the leaders of the Tide passed out commands… Killing them won't be that easy any longer. Oh well, we already killed over 150 thousand Pokemons in a few minutes. That's nearly 3% of the Pokemons in the Tide. Good enough for the Opening Salvo.’

She immediately passed more orders to Trainers specializing in Electric Type in the rear, ‘There are flocks of Pidgeot and Fearow flying around two kilometres away. If you have an Elite tier Electric Pokemon who can use Thunder at such a long distance, attack them.’

Immediately after, she instructed the trainers who were on the front lines, ‘Ground, Rock and Steel specialists form a double-layered defensive line. Fire and Water specialists move to the front as well.

Use Flamethrower on the Taurus herd and use Hydro Pump or other similar attacks on the Rapidash herd. Others can help out with medium-range attacks that don't cancel out any of these moves.’

Everyone immediately released their Pokemons and got into positions. A few seconds later, the two herds became visible. However, unlike the previous Pokemons, they didn't continue charging brainlessly.

Instead, every Rapidash and Ponyta shot Flamethrower directly towards the city! With thousands of Pokemons using that attack, a massive wave of flames moved towards the army of Pokemon Trainers.

It was even scary with the Taurus! Though not all, quite a few Taurus opened their mouths and shot out Hyper Beams towards the army! Even though the Hyper Beams didn't spread out like Flamethrower, it packed a lot more power. The sight of hundreds of Hyper Beams being launched at them made quite a few scalps tingle in fear!

[A/N: Volume 1 is completed on Patreon! Orion is about to start his journey!]

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Thank you Terrance, Cameron and Blood_Prince for supporting me on Patreon.

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