More memories

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[ivy is with Flynn in his office]
Flynn: I have all these open cases
Ivy: your welcome
Flynn just shakes his head.
Ivy : well- let me see you if I can help you close a couple of them
[ivy  takes a pile]
Ivy : this one was me
[ivy throws it in the trash]
Some laugh.
Ivy : me
[ivy throws it in the trash]
Ivy : also me
[ivy throws it in the trash]
Ivy: oh this one was my brothers and our BestFriends . Oh wait no, me
Most is laughing hard by now even some are on the floor.
[ivy  throws it in the trash]
Flynn : yeah I always had a sneaking suspicion
Ivy smile at Flynn innocently.

Hope and ivy : we're the tribrid ! We can't be killed!
The Mikaelson's and The Salvatore's all look at Klaus and Damon.
Aurora : I'm a thousand years old! You can't kill me!
[hope and ivy  slowly approach her ]
Ivy and hope : we are the thing that lesser men fear
The Mikaelson's once again  And The Salvatore's look at Klaus and Damon , while Klaus and Damon looks at them confused.

Ivy and hope is kidnapped by malivore   along with ash but they are separate places]
Ivy and hope  : we forgive you...
Malivore : you what?
Even more are confused now, they thought he was evil.
Ivy : we forgive you, you weren't born evil. Your life made you that way, you lost everyone that you cared about.. way to young. And you didn't have a family that looked after you. Sound familiar?
Some look at malivore sadly especially Klaus, but he still had his siblings and his children's and his nephews and nieces and his wife ivy.
Molivore : is this the we're not so different you and I speech?
Cause I be happy to skip it
Some chuckle sadly.

[ivy is in her dorm writing in Dean diary]
Ivy : 'writing' dear diary a chipmunk asked me my name today, I told him it was Joe that lie will haunt me forever
Dean is seen looking at her with an 'wtf' look]
People match Dean  expression.
Ivy : come on don't tell me it wasn't fun? It was totally worth it did you see her and all yours?
Dean playfully glares at her not that she notices, as she avoids all of them.
Ivy : 'writing' I'm joking I'm joking. Hope . Aren't you supposed to be a princess or something? Cause if you are you  sound hot
Those who know her burst out laughing.
Aiden : you always loved to annoy our brothers
Ivy : yeah it my job as the baby sister to annoy all of my big brothers

[ivy are sitting is Kyle  room]
Kyle : I am not just gonna sit here and have dinner with you, after you tried to kill me and broke into my
Everyone turn to the two.
Ivy : I did not try to kill you! A I put you on a wire to remove an obstacle. And b I did not break anything I'm way to talented than that. And c stop being so defensive
Ivy : I am way to talented than that
Kyle just look at her in disbelief.

[Sarah and ivy are standing in the hallway]
Ivy: look I'm not dying for you
Sarah: I'm not dying for you either
The two look at each other for a second before looking away.
[later in a fight]
Sarah: what are you doing?!
Ivy: being the bait
[ivy is hit by a spell]
Sarah: Nooo!!
Some look at the screen in shock others in concern.
Rocky: where you okay. Mummy?
Ivy looks down at Rocky in her lap who just woke up
Ivy: yes my little wolf

[Seth, Aiden and ivy  is in class]
Aiden: I got 35
Seth : I got 41
[ivy isn't paying attention]
Marcel : glad you pay attention in class
Ivy : I got blue?
Teacher : that is correct ivy
[Seth and Aiden look at their baby sister  in disbelief]
Ivy : huh?
Some look confused.

[All 24 are at a gay club]
Ash and Brax and Heath and Kyle and Casey: wrong club
Lizzie and Josie and Hope : shit
Dean and Seth and Aiden and Owen and Jaxon and Kyle and Lucifer and Alison and Emily and aria and Bianca and
Elitoy and Molly and Mikayla and Rose : Bloody Hell
Ivy: you don't say
The 28 smile at their parents sheepishly.

Ivy: I can hold my entire world in my hands

Klaus: my love that not possible-

Ivy: *cups klaus's face in her hands* are you sure?

Klaus: *Blushing* stop I have a reputation to uphold

"Yeah, you're her bitch now." Tyler laughed but went quiet at the glares he received.
"And your mother's still dead." Klaus reminded.
"C'mon dude. Didn't even have to say that." Tyler huffed.

[penelope and ivy are standing in the hall]
penelope: penelope head girl
Ivy: hmm
penelope: you shake the hand of the head girl [Grabs
Ivy's hand] out of respect
Ivy: when the head girl has earned my respect, then
I'll shake her hand biatch
Bonnie : weren't you two friends?
Ivy : no we were never friends

kol and Kai: ohh


Ivy, guilty: I'm sorry, Nik, it was me.

Klaus :

Klaus : I will bring you some more just you wait, My love !

Kol,Rebekah and Fallon and Katherine and Hayley and Freya terrified:

Ivy: turning around: you little fuckers owe me.

Kol ,Rebekah and and Fallon and Katherine and Hayley and Freya: [aggressive nodding]


Klaus : my love , come here. It's time to open your Christmas Present.
Ivy: *appears wearing nothing but a bow*
Klaus : On second thought, maybe I should open my gift first...

Rebekah: hundreds
Hayley: therapy

"Why does everyone tell me that I need therapy?" Klaus huffed. "I have a perfectly good outlet to release my emotions.
"I hope you're not talking about those trash ass paintings."
Klaus gasped to himself, "You little- take that back." He told Kol who stubbornly shook his head.
Klaus glared at him as he laughed. "You think this is funny? I have my work hanging in the Hermitage."
"Oh yeah? How'd it get there?"
Klaus couldn't think of anything to say. "Shut up- you died." He stuttered out with a shrug.
Kol turned towards Elijah and threw his arms up. "You cannot let him speak to me like this!"
"Fine. Niklaus enough. Kol enough." He sighed before looking towards Kol. "Happy?" Kol nodded happily, making Elijah stare blankly before looking back towards the screen.
"I don't even get paid for the shit I put up with." He mumbled to himself as his siblings all looked at him in offense.

Ash:what my and hope dad needs the
Hope: most is you ivy

Klaus smiles look at Ivy loving
Klaus: well they got that right my love all I need is you.
Rebekah and Freya and Fallon and Katherine and Hayley:awww

Ivy is see standing at the bar drinking her hot chocolate in her dad bar when penelope come to ivy and start talking to her.

penelope:I don't mind being dumpster for the right girl or boy

Ivy:I guess that make every other girl or boy in here
The right fucking girl or boy

penelope:Excuse me for having a shitty day and wanting to let some steam

Ivy:Not my type  and I'm taken

penelope:But I could be

Ivy:Bet you couldn't

penelope:What your type

Ivy:Dirty Blonde hair

penelope:I am downstairs

Ivy:Bad shit crazy and got mum and daddy issues and 1000year old hybrid and possessive.

Penelope: check for mum and daddy issues and bad shit crazy but Not Check  for 1000 years old hybrid or possessive
Ivy Quickly covers her young son Rocky ear already knowing what she say hope cover her young sister angle ear as while not wanting her to hear what ivy say next.

Ivy:  Packing 16 inch

Penelope look at ivy in shock
All the people's turn and look at ivy and klaus be whlie klaus as a smirk on his lips now looking at a bushy ivy.

Watching their love story Book2Where stories live. Discover now