Klaus fist come back flashback 1 year old

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3rd POV
Tuna on white no crust right ivy ask Nik
I don't know how is it? Klaus asks with smirk on his
You've been coming in here. For the past three weeks asking me how to tune is now was crappy yesterday crappy day before and guess what it hasn't changed Ivy say while smirking back at klaus
I'll take the tuna then ivy klaus say
No crust like alway Ivy ask
No crust klaus repeat look at Ivy.
Ivy make klaus sandwich had it to him.
Thank you say klaus
Hope &jesse and rest of the team walk in.
What up girl Lvy say to Hope
How you livening girl Hope say to ivy
Vince can I get you anything ivy ask Vince
You look good Vince say to ivy
Klaus get up well thanks a lot ivy see you tomorrow
say klaus walk at outside.
Vince get up yell try fatburger from now on to klaus
You get yourself a Double cheese with fries for $2.95
Faggot Vince say
I like the tuna here klaus say to Vince walk to his car.
Bullshit asshole no one like the tuna here Vince say You look good Vince say to ivy
Klaus get up well thanks a lot ivy see you tomorrow
say klaus walk at outside.
Vince get up yell try fatburger from now on to klaus
You get yourself a Double cheese with fries for $2.95
Faggot Vince say
I like the tuna here klaus say to Vince walk to his
Bullshit asshole no one like the tuna here Vince say to klaus walk up to him.
Yeah well I do klaus say to Vince before they start to fight.
Jesus Christ Dean I'm not kidding would you get up there ivy yell to Dean.
What you put in that sandwich? Dean say to ivy That really funny ivy say to Dean. Sarcastically Babe hope say to Dean All right Dean
As Dean walk outside breaks the fight up.
For you embarrass me Dean say to Vince
Jesse give me the wallet Dean say to Jesse
Niklaus Mikaelson sounds like a serials killer name is that what you are Dean say to klaus
Why Use Niklaus Mikaelson kol asked klaus
Uncovered klaus say to Kol
No man klaus say to Dean
Don't come around me again Dean say to klaus
Klaus get in car dive off.

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