Weeeell," Elena says, drawing out the word. "I'm thankful for you all, of course, and I'm so happy you could all make it. But most of all, I'm thankful for my beloved husband and my handsome sons,my beautiful daughter. Oh, and the fact that klaus and ivy are in love with each other! Yav!"
Kol looked excited to see some action and his siblings only rolled their eyes at him while Freya looked at them with smile.
A collective gasp. That's roughly the whole family.
Klaus eyes widen.
Ivy whimpers.
Damon s head whips around, his eyes find klaus than ivy . Damon face goes red.
So much for taking things slow...
"WHAT!" Damon bellows.Ivy grip on klaus 's thigh has got to be hard for him, but it doesn't show. The only thing he's doing right now is handing their family pointed looks to their family, that klaus 's now dismissing.
"Mom, Bloody hell! Ivy hiss as soon as it's just the four of us left in the massive dining room. "Wasn't this Klaus 's and my news to share?" Say ivy
"No, no, no, no, no..." Damon starts groaning, all while banging his head against the table. Not kidding. "This can't be true... God, all the rumors..
Wait, what?Now this is entertaining say kol eating popcorn that came at of nowhere.
"What rumors?" Klaus asked, frowning deeply.
"I'm not talking to you, you cradle robber!"
Damon snaps.
"Dad!" Ivy shout. How dare he!
"Damon !" Elena growls."Aww, I thought we are going to see some action but you guys are no fun." pouted Kol. " Brother could you please" sighed Elijah at Kol and give him a pointed look, pointing at looks thrown at them..
"Oh, goodie," Klaus sighs, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. "Here we go.
"Don't call him that!" Ivy sneer ather Dad. "You have no right!"
"What she said!"elena says, nodding at her daughter .
"They are very much in love, Damon! It's not some fling!"
"Shutthefuckup!" Damon snarls, banging his fist on the table. "I, as the father, have a right to act irrationally for a while, especially when my Princess comes home with klaus fucking mikaelson ! So, women, please give me a moment!"
Ivy gape at him."I am really enjoying this.." says Kol snickering and Damon could only sit back and hearing himself to his daughter in the future.
Elena , too.
Klaus ... well, he's carving the turkey. "What are you doing?" Ivy hiss quietly at him.The Originals to chuckled at the screen
Klaus looks over at ivy, wearing an everyday-expression. Like nothing's wrong in the world. "Just give him time, baby. He's gonna start yelling any moment now."
And Ivy remind herself that klaus and her Dad are friends. He knows how Dad functions.
And klaus was right.Damon soon starts to pace around the dining room. Shouting and pulling at his hair, arms flailing around, and fingers pointing like swords. ". I heard the rumors around the town and school when I when to see you Princess and your brothers to! Can't believe they're true!" Elena sips her wine. "..A few assistants and students and teachers... talking... about how close klaus and ivy seemed to be... GAH!" Outburst after outburst. Klaus gives ivy a slice of turkey... and a kiss. A sweet one on her temple, then he digs in on the food. Damon continues. "I laughed it off!
There was no way!" Elena starts filling plate after plate with food, and then she leaves, only to return to take more plates with food.
To the family , no doubt. Always the gracious hostess, that one. "..Then I started to notice things... Yes, I noticed!" Arms flailing again."I saw the goofy fucking grins on the big bad wolf here."
Damon glares at klaus. Klaus sips his beer. "Oh, and you, missy!" Glare pointed ivy way. "You sure as hell didn't come home often, but when you did, I saw the blush whenever the big bad wolf here was mentioned!" Now Damon 's growling. Ivy quite thirsty, so she chug her wine.
Then her water, too. "But NAH! I still waved it off!" Damon scoffs. "YOU!" he bellows, pointing at klaus . "Cradle robber! Bloody Allen!
The big bad wolf ! Baby snatcher! I could go on!
She's my daughter my Princess l!" Elena enters again, then leaves with the last plates. "And YOU!" Damon shouts, pointing at ivy. "You just had to grow up, didn't you?" Doman sneers. "You couldn't stav five! NO! You had to grow up, you had to become this... this... this... . Ugh." Disgust clear on damon face. "Last but not least, you just had to sink your claws into the big bad wolf huh?"
Damon slumps down in his seat again.
Bangs his head against the table a few more times.Kol cackled looking at the screen with Rebekah while Klaus and Henrik had a smirk on their faces. Freya looked amused at her siblings reaction and also at Damon's speech. Finn and Elijah curved their lips but their eyes held amusement as well..
A little more banging.
Poor Dad. Ivy thought
"Well," Elena sighs, entering the dining room again. "I think he's finally done, no?"
"Looks like it," Klaus replies with a nod.
"This was delicious, by the way," he adds, forking a piece of turkey. "Heavenly."
Elena grins widely. "You can thank ivy for that. It's her recipe." Oh,ivy smile is so wide.
"Really, beautiful?" Klaus asks, smiling at ivy . And Ivy nod. "Wow."
"I'll make you a special turkey sandwich tomorrow," Ivy promise. "I have a secret recipe "I have a secret recipe for seasoning."
Klaus beams at ivy.Klaus, Rebekah and Kol too chuckled looking at the screen.
Damon bangs his head against the table one last time.
Surprisingly, the rest of the dinner is very pleasant. Once Elena 's confirmed that Damon's done shouting, she calls the family in again even though it didn't matter with the supernatural hearing, and they enjoy the massive feast. They all talkative and cheery. Only Damon is the quiet one, but Elena assures everyone that Damon will be fine.
Before Ivy know it, it's past midnight and they're saying goodbye to the last of the family , and Ivy happy to see that her Brothers 's relaxed and understanding when it comes to their Mom's game. Her brothers had just laughed it off and wished Klaus and Ivy good luck before heading
So... in the end it's just the four of them. Elena and Damon , ivy and klaus , sitting in the kitchen with some leftover pumpkin pie and more
"I think Damon's ready to talk soon," Elena says knowingly, rummaging the cupboards for her beloved collection of Tupperware. "In the meantime, why don't you tell me about your plans for Christmas?"
So, they.
Klaus and Ivy sit next to each other by the kitchen island as we tell Elena about having Christmas dinner with klaus family and the Christmas Burning wishes from fire thing they're been doing for centuries on the 25th, and soon Elena and Ivy are in the middle of discussing Christmas decorations and recipes. While they do this, Klaus 's just smiling like he's won the lottery. And Ivy know how much he loves the little things. Little things like when she ask him where in his family home they can put up a Christmas tree. Little things like the smiles they share. And Ivy know that the little things aren't really that little.
But when Damon groans loudly, they stop all conversation. Ivy think he's ready now."What are you thinking, honey?" Elena asks Damon gently. Damon huffs. There's en epic eye roll going on, too.
Then Damon speaks... for the first time in hours...
"I'm thinking that I'm damn happy we didn't ask klaus to be ivy's godfather."Yeah, Ivy really wish he'd just kept his mouth shut. Elena starts laughing.
Klaus coughs and splutters.
"What?" Damon huffs again. "That'd be... just wrong." Well, that's one way to put it"I just love how unbothered Nik ivy and Elena are " laughed Rebekah looking at the ivy and Elena and klaus.
Then, Damon turns to whining. "I mean, what can I say? I can't tell ivy that klaus 's a horrible man who will just play her or whatever, and I can't tell Klaus that ivy 's too immature for him, cause... I fucking know the idiots!" Even if I want to ivy he's a horrible person I can't because he's changed that's in the past now and I know has would come day because we know since ivy was born she is klaus tur love soulmate Damon groans and whines to Elena as if Klaus and Ivy aren't there.Lovely. "Idiots, both of them," Damon mutters.
"They're gonna give me greys, Elena even if not possible, I swear to it. One of my closest friends, and my only fucking daughter My Princess.
"Are you done?" Elena asks him, cocking the Mom-brow. Damon slumps in his seat. "Yeah, I really fucking am."
An hour later, Damon is on speaking terms with klaus again, and he reluctantly admits that he can see the changes in his friend. So, as long as klaus and Ivy keep the PDA in front of him down to a minimum, he's somewhat okay with it all.
Talk about eventful Thanksgiving.
But as Ivy go to bed that night with klaus,Ivy knows she couldn't have been happier.
Klaus feels the same. And... no more hiding

Watching their love story Book2
Fantasy"All the legends about ivy and I are true. They are all true. Every single one of them.Klaus Mikaelson" Beatrix Ivy Salvatore Winchester Toretto soon to be Mikaelson turns into the Qubrid and Malivore is destroyed. The teenagers find out somethin...