We All Knew This Day Was Coming part 1

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Be careful who you trust remember the devil was once a angel say heath

The Mystic Falls football field is in near darkness as Blake the new quarterback of the football team is practicing routes. "White 20, set, hut," Blake whispers to himself.
"Daniels rolls to his right. Eyes scanning the..." he continues reciting what would happen in a real game. "Oh, my, the safety slipped. Eleven's wide open," he says, throwing the ball. The football hits the side of the set up garbage can and sighs. Blake moves forward to pick up the footballs, and another football lands in the garbage can. Blake turns to see Ethan, "I thought your arm was all busted," Blake says.
"Not anymore," Ethan taunts. "There's this guy. He hooked me up with the good stuff," Ethan says. "My arm feels...even better than before the injury. It's off-market, has zero side effects and totally undetectable," Ethan says. Blake looks around as Ethan laughs, "What have you guys lost now...three, four in a row? Keep that up, there's no sectionals. No state. Just.....this," Ethan says, gesturing to the empty field. Ethan smirks as Blake mulls his options, "Can you take me to him," Blake asks. Ethan nods smugly.

"The guy in question," Lizzie asks. "Totally not the person that Dad let go free," Josie adds. "Wow," Elitoy says. "This is a shock," she adds. "who would have guessed that letting MaliLandon go was going to massively backfire and cause a bigger problem for the students of the school," Elitoy asks.   Ash and ivy and Aiden and Seth and Owen and Ryder and Brax and Casey and Heath and Kyle and Jaxon and Calila and rose and hope and mikayla and Lucifer  and molly and Dean
Emily and Alison and Aria and Bianca  raise their hands, 'We could have guessed that," the teenagers say in unison.

Ethan leads Blake to an abandoned railroad station. "This is who fixed you up?" Blake asks as MaliLandon steps out of the shadows. "I don't fix people. I transform them," MaliLandon says, superiority ringing in his voice. "At the old train yard? Sure, buddy. Just show me what juice you got," Blake says, sarcasm ringing in his voice. "Happy to," MaliLandon says. "You know what l've realized recently? For centuries, l've been obsessed with consuming everything | could. I had it all backwards," MaliLandon says, as he circles the human football player. Blake's eyes furrow at MaliLandon's word choice, "What the hell?" he whispers.
Ethan holds Blake's arms behind the kids back. "Help!"
Blake exclaims. MaliLandon holds up his hand and standing in front of the football player. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Those are Landon Kirby's favorite last words," he says.
MaliLandon smirks, "But, 'help'? That's a close second," he says. MaliLandon uses his new ability to transform Blake into a creature from a human's nightmares.

"You know if he was not so evil, I may enjoy hanging around him," hope  says. "He makes fun of Landon almost as much as I do," she adds.  Ash and ivy and Aiden and Seth and Owen and Ryder and Brax and Casey and Heath and Kyle and Jaxon and Calila and rose  and mikayla and Elitoy and Lucifer  and molly and Dean
Emily and Alison and Aria and Bianca exchange a look, "She's not wrong," ivy says.

New Orleans
Kol Mikaelson walks into the door of the compound and sits down at the table in the courtyard, a glass of bourbon slides across the table. Kol looks up to see his brother and Damon , who also sits down. "You know what is going to happen, right," Damon asks. Kol nods, taking a sip of the bourbon, "My son  is about to find out what happens when a vampire who is in love gives blood," Kol says. "There has to be feelings," Nik taunts. "Human feelings are amplified by vampirism and turned into," Kol says. "A sire bond," Marcel says. Kol laughs, "he  seemed to be better," damon says.
"Did you hear what he told Lizzie this morning," Rebekah asks, walking into the room. Kol nods, "he vowed to never turn his  emotions off again," Kol says. Rebekah shivers suddenly, "What's wrong," Kol asks. "Something feels off," the blonde says. "I feel it too," Elena says, walking down the stairs. Kol and Niklaus  and Damon exchange a look, "Can your son  stay out of danger for five minutes?" Davina exclaims from the balcony of the courtyard. Kol gives her a look before turning back to his brother. "What are the chances that all  of our children are in danger," Kol asks. "Slim," Klaus says. "Freya," Niklaus shouts. The oldest Mikaelson witch comes down the stairs, "What's wrong," Freya asks. "We don't know yet," Kol says. "But we are going to Mystic Falls to figure it out," Niklaus says.

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