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The morning rises, branches with flowers fall for their disguise is no more, continuing to be rewarded once again. Not skies that give to love but to remain their status as they may one day die to kill the Earth once again. Evaporate the lake filled with star dust that we kicked the water just for fun, as we were just kids a second ago...

Your eyes open feeling your whole body really dry, you tried to sit u but only felt your dried up wounds being pulled from the carpet, but either way you sat up and stood up.

The momment you got on your feet your visions blacked out and collapsed once more to the floor.

"Fuck..-" you breathe deeply and slowly while clashing up onto the wall to stand up again

Eventually, you returned back to your feet and kept walking ; looking at yourself in the small mirror of your room to find out how much dried blood you were stained with.

You sigh at the sudden sight, then pulled your phone out of your pocket.

"Shit, the screen is cracked" you thought to yourself in your head.
Your phone lit up and it was already 2 o'clock.

You opened the door to your room and went to your bathroom to take a quick shower .

When you entered the shower to get praised by the water in, which wasn't praise for the moment the water hit your skin you flinched and backed away .

"Too hot" you mumble yourself.

You twisted the knot again to make it cold, you necessarily werent a person who washed themselves in the cold water, but this was necessary.

You went to the shower to wash yourself and once you got out, you forgot your clothes were dirty with stayed dry blood .

You had to walk out naked...

You didn't really care. It was just a quick walk to your room.  So that's what you did,.

Did your best to not make so much noise on the ground while walking since sometimes you're walks were very hard against the ground, which wasn't really your fault, but you were really good at staying with your feet.

Then you once made it back to your room, closing the door behind you and locking it.

Side once more and opened your closet.

You didn't really have that much clothes since it was mostly empty with hangers on the rack.

But you chose a simple black T-shirt with black tactical cargo pants.
Those pants were honestly a pass me down. But it honestly didn't matter.

You were hungry so you teleported down to the kitchen to find some food in the freezer.

Then a shock of realization came to your head.

"The not- the note." You quickly turn you head to the door and ran to it to open it.

You looked around for the note but couldn't find it.

Maybe they left it in the mail? The Mail box?

You looked to your window and went out through there and jumped down the roof to the ground, you managed to fall silently without hurting your knees or ankles for h to at matter.

You walked behind the house and jumped over fences and walls without stopping in front of the windows of your house.

Walking silently on the sidewalk and keeping vigilant of your surrounding just in case someone were to come up to you to ask about anything really.

"not that anyone would care." You said to yourself in your head.

Finally you made it to the mail boxes and looked through which in it was.

"Fuck- it's Japanese" you sharply muttered under your breath.

"I guessed it's just the symbols we gotta look for then..." you traced your hand through the metal boxes

Then you found a Japanese symbol that was similar to the one you had in your door.

You closed your eyes as you were ready to activate your quirk.

"Skeptical emotion, come out" you mutter under your breath while keeping your body relaxed in place.

Another version of you came drooling out of your body leaving a small purple and black fog from their body.

It placed its hand in front of the box, placing there for a couple of seconds before it begins to shift its hand through the wall of the mail box, making its hand pass through it.

It eventually takes its hand out with the almost exact letter Deku had with U.A. Red was imprinted onto the envelope.

"Skeptical Emotion, let whispers of children from mountains rest" it fuses back into your body making the fog disappear as you open your eyes again.

You bend down to get the envelope then went back home the same way you got out.

Finally back in your room.

"Not here, it wouldn't be suitable since he's a loud ass man." You sighed and stood up from the bed And head out through the window once again.

You went by urban areas of the city but decided it would be a good idea to go to the beach since it's not busy most of the time especially in school days.

There wasn't really school days but really you bet every Japanese person would be traveling outside of their city.

Finally you found a place in the sand in the beach. The waves crashing my gently without creating a havoc with its size.

You opened the envelope to take out the circle device.

It twinkles a light in the center of it then you saw a hologram the one and only number one hero.

"All Might..."

My Forest Made of Glass (All Might/Toshinori x Y/N.Where stories live. Discover now