Chapter Two

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"Okay everyone! We have been gathered here today to go on possibly the most dangerous mission the Detective Agency has ever undergone. We're running on low information but hopefully it'll be enough." Kunikida sifted through a pile of papers on his desk, picked a few out and tossed them on the table. "Her name's Erika. From what we know, she can steal people's abilities. This is quite a powerful ability. Her murders seem to have no connection as of current. Although due to her reported nature, It must be something really bad. This makes her one of the deadliest criminals alive. We need to get Dazai close to her and hopefully he can nullify her ability."

Dazai nodded. "We're first starting at her latest killing scene." Kunikida continued. "Filburry Tower."

Kunikida pulled up the car. Dazai, Atsushi and Rampo exited, followed by Kunikida himself. "Wow! It's so big!!" Atsushi gasped. "Just one person lives here!"

"Used to." Dazai added. Atsushi looked down.

"We've already got clearance to enter the building." Kunikida said. They entered the building. They were first met by multiple security guards. Kunikida showed them some papers as well as his I.D Card.

"This way please, sirs."

They reached the top of the huge building.

"This floor is.. was just his office area. You may be able to find evidence here. The body, what's left of it, will be transported to the funeral service tomorrow, so get as much evidence as you can."

Kunikida opened the door to the room. Atsushi's first impression was at the size of it. It filled up a whole floor of the building. Kunikida walked around the room. He then spotted the body.

"Dazai, Atsushi!!" He shouted out. They ran over to him. The man, Phillip Spectre lay dead against the wall of the room. Bits of his body were non-existent and there was a pool of blood within 50 centimetres of him.

"H-how could someone-" Atsushi whispered. Kunikida seemed to be disappointed too. Kunikida bent down.

"There are definitely traces of.. at least two gifted abilities used. They match the same DNA pattern as well. It's her."

"There also seems to be chunks of his body missing.. as if they were eaten or something. Is she cannibalistic.. or does she need to eat them to consume their skills?!" Atsushi added. He was highly disturbed.

Kunikida stood up. "I don't think so. We don't know how she extracts someone's ability from them. Besides, these eating patterns seem to be similar to that of a wolf or a dog."

Dazai chirped in. "She must have an ability which summons animals. And.." He leant in closer to the man's chest.

"There seems to be a stab mark but the way it seems.. it was too fast for a jab with a hand, even for her. She must've used an ability with the knife." Rampo cleared his throat. "This case seems like a case for me! The great Rampo! With my Ultra Deduction Ability, I shall reveal everything!" Rampo put on his glasses and 'activated' his ability. He then stopped. The blood had been drained from his face. Then he turned around.

"Th-there's nothing for me to reveal. She must have erased half of the evidence." And then he fell on the ground. Kunikida immediately fell to Rampo's side and then Atsushi. Dazai looked around and then fell down as well.

They woke up in a dully lit room. There was no decor whatsoever.

'My hands! They're tied behind my back!' Atsushi thought. Dazai, Rampo and Kunikida were beside him. He felt a ruffle.

"Dazai, Kunikida, Rampo? You all awake?"

"Yeah" they replied. They then heard footsteps approaching. They all stopped talking and looked at the place the footsteps were approaching from. The footsteps' master's face came into view. She had eyes as cold as ice. Her lips were contorted into a smirk and her hair was lengthy, pink in colour. She waved her hand and the ropes of the chairs came undone. Immediately Kunikida got out his notebook.

"DOPPO POET!" He said "TRANQUILIZER GUN!!" A tranquillizer replaced the piece of paper in his hand. He poised it at the girl. He fired at her. She instantly appeared beside him, the stun gun in her hand.


"Now, how do you use this thing?" She asked herself. She pointed the gun at Kunikida and pressed the trigger. She chuckled to herself as Kunikida fell to the ground, a low buzzing coming from his body. Dazai was just about to make a move until-

"Oh wait." She said. She lifted up her hand and handcuffs appeared in it. She approached Dazai. He dodged her advances and edged away.

"Shadow Pocket, right? I remember an old friend of mine having an ability like that. Then he went dark. I presume... I'm talking to the infamous Erika?" Dazai asked.

"Yes," she said as she teleported to Dazai's side.

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