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Chapter 19

Candle watched Harper beat the fire out of Rico. She made sure nobody was coming as Harper beat the breaks off him relentlessly. Rico fell to the ground drunk. Harper didn't stop he kicked him unconconcious, spitting on him. When Harper looked back, Candle was gone. Harper chased her, but the elevator door closed. Harper ran up the steps by twos to the seventh floor. Candle was just sticking the key on the door to their suite.

He caught the door before it closed behind her. Are you okay, baby? Did he hurt you? Harper ran to her with a bloody lip, brushed cheeks and knuckles, and a bloody white tux shirt.

Baby? Candle took out her luggage, separating what Harper gave her and the baby only getting what she came with together. What...what are you doing? Leaving, she said, sniffling as she folded her clothes neatly. Why?

You made a fucking fool out of me that's why! What are you talking about Candle? I handled Rico be won't bother you again. Not that fool your bitch...Sasha? Harper held his head down.

Why didn't you tell me you asked that bitch to marry you?! What's worse is that you gave me that bitches grave yard jewels. She tore the earrings off and the necklace throwing it at his feet. Do I look desperate to you? Like some thirsty whore?!

Humm? That you can make a mockery of? By giving me the cheap ass jewelry of bitches of romance past? Humm?!

Fuck you and fuck this whole situationship. Baby please. Don't baby me Harper Valliant! Do you know how you made me feel Harper? Like a Queen your Queen special no man has ever made me feel this way she yelled through upset, frustrated tears.

But you did! You trusted me and I know...she sniffed heaving upset I know what this is and I was fool for forgetting..for losing myself. It won't happen again because Exodus and I are leaving in the morning. I'll catch whatever flight we can get out at LAX.

Baby.. Candle please.

Goodnight, Harper! Harper looked at the nightstand, seeing photos of he and his parents and other photos of him individually with his mom and dad. And pictures of him at 13 and 14 months before they perished of them at his Polo tournament.

Harper punched a hole at the mirror causing Candle to jump as glass shattered everywhere. Harper grabbed his overcoat, fleeing the room angrily.

Candle called her mother it was three am on the east coast. Hello? Candle baby slow down who. The yoga girl? Yes she told me you were helping her open another yoga studio out west and that's what you said too baby that's not it?

Then what is it Maria? Candle baby slow down. Married?! You're married? What? Is Exodus okay? Baby, calm down and I'll call you back in ten minutes, yes ten exactly. Okay baby yes I promise ten minutes! Okay, sweetie!

Hello, is this Jewel? Yeah? the one who sent my only child and grandson to Los Angeles? Where the bell is my daughter? What is she doing there?!


Candle cried herself to sleep hugging up on Exodus like a sweet little teddy bear. Morning seemed to give her a clearer head on the matter. Maria came in sitting on the bed. Hey honey. Candle sat up you okay? She saw the lignature marks on her neck. Let me take photos please. Candle nodded yes as Maria took pictures of her neck and wrist.

Harper,did this? Harper? No...never Harper would never Maria he is not violent trust me i seen the type. Maria exhaled in relief. I was about to call the police but Harper left, and I heard you talking to your mom Charles made me give you space. Candle told Maria everything crying.

What's wrong, baby? Harper Maria there was a part of me that...well I was such a fucking fool excuse my French. Maria laughed picking up a photo of Harper's mother. This is a playback of this woman and that man. Really?

Oh...yeah Candle. Kyle was a new partner he used all the money for the business that people invested in him. They worked out his father's pool house. His father gave him clients and that's all he gave Kyle. In fact that's all he needed he was super smart. Well anyway Emani was all hype Kyle had just made fifty thousand dollars.

And girl she was hyped up. Candle crossed her legs Indian style with Exodus next to her sleep stirring awake. Maria rubbed his tummy lulling him back to sleep. It was thier fourth anniversary. Kyle made her a spectacular dinner the man could cook too FYI. Candle laughed and now it was gift time.

Emani opened the box and Kyle gifted her a beautiful genuine jade necklace and earrings set. Carved into butterfly shapes. That's expensive Candle smiled with puffy eyes.

That's expensive Maria. Today that set would be worth at least $8,000 but in the mid-80s's it was worth $75. You gonna let me finish before this child wakes up Candle? Hehe please. Good no more interruptions. Kyle gave her this beautiful Chinese designed box covered in red satin with two double doors.

She opened the box and child Emani was so upset. She asked Kyle what was it and he told her. She said other wives are wearing diamonds and I'm wearing a cheap trinket from the Chinese five and dime. And girl that sparked the argument of the century.

Maria made candle laugh. What happened? Well Kyle landed his very first Chinese soil as he let it born client. I mean girl they were the real deal bowing and all. This client was H-U-G-E....Candle you hear me? $100 million dollars huge. This deal would bring them out the red into the blackety black ok?

We..even the staff needed this deal I hadn't been paid in months my husband was begging me to Quit five kids one income? She sucked her teeth he was on me. So why didn't you Quit? I was a maid if I went to an agency I'd be making $3.35 cents per hour which was minimum wage at that time.

Kyle and Emani were paying me $10 per hour as the lead maid and I would be over the staff if they got to the point where they could afford one...which they eventually did. And it came with the house I showed you Candle. Oh,so you lived there prior?

No, I have a very large family but I'd stay during storms or when the roads were out. So you lived there Candle smiled. Be quiet. Hehehe.

Anywhoo..Emani shows up to this important client dinner in a beautiful silk traditional Chinese dress and she was wearing the jade set with matching sticks in her hair. She looked stunning. Those Chinese men talked about her necklace all night, after dinner, during tea, and fruit the wife of the chief portfolio holder told stories of jade and how it was a statement item of wealth in their country.

How hers was carved by an old maker and how they could tell it wasn't a knock off but actually from China. Well, that necklace set did bring them weath. Us wealth girl I got my $12 per hour for being so patient and understanding. Emani got her diamonds...over and over, Maria chuckled.

But you know what Candle? What? Candle asked with puffy eyes. Every time a major client dinner came around, Emani wore her lucky Jade. Not the diamonds a plenty she now had no ma'am that jade set. Such a sweet story Maria.

There was a knock at the door Maria answered a package for Candle Valliant. Thank you. Maria took the bag to Candle she opened the card.

-I'm sorry, Harper-

Open it, Maria clapped. Candle opened the large velvet case. Huhhh! She inhaled showing Maria. Wow. They're made of hearts the complete set the earrings necklace and bracelet. There's another.

Candle opened the small box it was a round cut engagement ring. oh my she inhaled caring for your six carat engagement ring.

Maria held her hands over her mouth this doesn't look like a gift from a man who was only into contracts to me child. doesn't.

The room landline rang. Candle moved her favorite childhood photo of a 14 year old Harper in his Polo uniform aside to answer. Hello?

Ms. Valliant there is a call from an outside line should we take a message? No please through. Hello? Goodmorning sweetheart. Goodmorning Harper. How are you feeling? Better where are you?

Oh I'm escorting mom inside the hotel I was fortunate to greet her as she entered the lobby. What? My mother's here Harper?

Yes baby isn't that wonderful? We are on our way up. Harper ended the call.

What now Candle? My mother is here, Maria.

Oh my God.

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