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Chapter 23

Jason was on fire in the first two quarters. He kept resting his eyes in Candle, and no one with them understood why, but Harper, who sat like the cat who swallowed the canary.

Jason had to shoot a three-pointer line. Harper sipped whiskey from his flask. He held a small amount of the honey flavored jack in he kissed Candle, swirling the liquid in her mouth. The liquid streamed down her chin to her neck. Harper licked it off her chin and neck, causing her to giggle. Jason blew the three-pointer staring at Harper's sexual actions toward his baby's mother.

Half time came asap. Candle's phone was blowing up she showed it to Harper how hit declined, making a now drunk Candle laugh at the growing anger that she knew was rising inside of Jason. What's this guy's fucking problem?!

Jackson and Rowe screamed out. The next Kobe my ass! Calm down he has the team up by 28 points. Points he scored if he blows a three pointer he still good Jacks. He's a shooting guard that's his job to score Rowe so shut the fuck up! Rowe sat down laughing at his passion for the game.

Candle giggled aloud making Harper laugh. Valerie whispered to Jackson what's wrong with Harper? Jackson who was a foodie stared down at Harper. Harp? Harpo! Harper tapped Candles back. You okay! Rowe was using nasal spray with cocaine in it. He passed it to his wife who declined. Harper smiled Yeah man.

A basket ball coach walked up Candle everyone saw he whispered in her ear. Candle whispred back the coach grinned I'll tell him that after the game. Candle laughed aloud. What? Candle covered her mouth with her hand whispering to Harper.

He wants me to come see him now. I told the coach I'm on my honeymoon. Harper laughed smiling at her response. I think I'm a bad influence on you baby. Mmmm she held his hand as he poured liquor in her coke and ice.

You're hood BYOB. Harper laughed again as the third Quarter began. The fans were happy Jason was up by 28 points. What they didn't know was when Jason was angry or upset he played his better games. By the end of the third Quarter he scored 16 more points. Jackson was screaming THAT'S MY BOY! DAMN RIGHT! Clapping loud sipping vodka with Valerie.

Valerie shook her phone at Candle who sat four chairs down she opened her texts.

Val: Girl that nigga want you bad.

Candle: Who?

Val: Jason Cartwright!

Candle: We dated back in High School.

Val: 🙀

Candle: 🤣🤣🤣

Val: Some Gals have all the fucking luck.

Candle: Yeah, like landing Jackson?

Val: Touche!

Candle: No disrespect but Jackson is a good looking man and he is authentic and real nice so to me you lucked out.

Valerie: Oh Candle, thank you.

Candle looked at Val smiling. Sasha leaned over to Esau's girl them bitches plotting. Who? Valerie and Candle. Plotting what sash? Who the fuck knows but I'm about to find out.

At the end of the fourth quarter with seven minutes left on the clock a player was on the court directly in front of them. Jason threw the ball to his team mate who moved over a fraction of an inch to catch the ball. The ball flew past him heading directly at Harper. The crowd started clapping loud whistling. The played the recap on the TV over and over of Harper catching the ball with one hand. The sports casters immediately knew who he was as he'd been on the various networks Sunday morning business & Money show.

This is also how he received an influx of clients. He hired a brand representative and together Harper Valliant became a brand like domino sugar or Hellmans mayonnaise.

The NBA flashed all the magazines he'd been on Forbes, GQ Man Black Is Black magazine, Ebony, Jet, The Black Finacier, African Americans in business they flashed back to back then him catching the ball and smiling and Candle kissing him clapping. Jason's plan to hit Harper in his face fouled and instead of Harper being embarrassed he got free press as the millionaire player of the year.

The game closed 128 to 89 the Lakers won the fans went wild happy with Cartwright thier golden ticket to the payoffs. Shaquille called him over hugging him proud of his game. Jason was speaking to rhe press about the game and his expectations. He was trying to get to Candle before she left but his popularity and growing success stopped him from reaching her.

His coach went to her again he said is his son here Miss?a It's Mrs. Valliant and no he is with my mom in New York.

Thank you. They left getting back in the limo. They ended up in a soul food restaurant in the hood the limo driver was paid by the restaurant to bring rich black people after the game. They walked in and were immediately seated.

The waitress came over handing out menus. Harper looked at the menu. Nothing healthy? Gimme Candle took his menu ordering for him. They ate Harper ate Mac and cheese ribs greens potato salad cornbread and more iced tea...that Harper spiked sharing with Candle.

Damn Harp how deep is that fucking flask? Jackson teased him everyone laughed. It's 140% proof a little spreads a lot. Harper was slurring Candle took the flask as she fed him potato salad. Baby order Maria and Charles plates and the baby some sweet potato pie.

Okay. They ordered $1,000 worth of food and drinks from the bar. Jackson paid with the company card. They stumbled to the limousine. They walked in the hotel Sasha staring at Candle. Go fuck ya nigga and get ya mind off me bitch.

Harper chuckled on the elevator. Yo Harper man control ya bitch. Esau don't think I'm so drunk that I won't fuck you up then sue ya ass like I did ya boy Rico. Don't let that liquor give you courage you really ain't got nigga.

Esau rushed up in Harper's face Harper didn't flinch.


Sasha, Esau and Harper looked down Candle had a two bullet bond ams derringer gun. I'm not from here Candle giggled.

Back up Nigga I'll pump you full of led and be out in an hour. Then I'll do what eight months in jail while you rot in the ground? I don't know if you heard but my man is a millionaire, and our lawyer will have me out by breakfast. She moved the gun left the elevator opened on their floor holding a cheaper suite for the underachievers to Harper's overachievemnts.

Run along little doggies. Go on now. They stepped off the elevator, and the doors closed Candle was waving bye bye antagonizing the drunk couple.

Harper grabbed Candle he picked her up tossing her against the wall tearing at her clothes while she struggled to get his pants open. She was wrapped around him he carried her down the hallway sucking her neck rubbing his hand through her hair holding globs of it in his fist licking her neck to chin.

Her bra was ripped off dropping to the floor. Candle used her phone to unlock the door.

They rushed in the suite their bodies burning with unbridled passions and fire. Harper pushed Candle on the wall, pulling at her ftted jeans.

CHEMMM. Hi guys. Candle and a lipstick stained Harper looked up to Jason Cartwright, holding his sleeping son.

How are you married when you're engaged to me Candle?

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