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"Eh? Is this shrew disobedient?!" Song Chao was so angry that he wanted to curse. He wanted to knock on the door, but he was stopped by Ji Jing.

"Boss Song, calm down." Ji Jing gestured for him to look around.

The lady boss of the small shop, the villagers who were weeding in the fields, and the villagers passing by were all attracted by Wang Cui. They looked over with their heads wide open.

"If we go to Li Tao now, we might not get any results. There's something wrong with this Wang Cui."Ji Jing said,"Let's go back to the car first and discuss it before looking for Li Tao.""

Song Chao took two deep breaths and calmed down." Alright, I'll listen to you!"

Song Chao sat back in the car and blew on the air conditioner. He was still sweating from anger.

"What do you think about Wang Cui?" Song Chao asked. We're just looking for Li Tao to ask a few questions, and we're in a public area by the roadside. Do parents need to be so cautious these days? She wouldn't listen to my explanation! Moreover, that was her niece. How could she hit her in front of so many people?"

Ji Jing was also very angry. She was mainly angry at Wang Cui for slapping Li Tao. She hated domestic violence the most, but she still tried her best to calm down.

"No, Wang Cui wasn't so agitated because she was worried about Li Tao," she analyzed in a deep voice. Think about it. You met them at the police station that day. If Li Tao could recognize you, how could Wang Cui, an adult, not recognize you?"

"She's playing dumb!" Song Chao said. However, what is the value of the map?

"She didn't want Li Tao to tell her the truth," Ji Jing analyzed. First, she pretended not to know you. Li Tao would go over and explain. She hit Li Tao so that she wouldn't be able to react in time."

"She shouted so that the villagers would notice us and leave a bad impression on us. At the same time, she dragged Li Tao into the house when we were in a hurry to explain. Her excitement was only on her face, but her eyes were very calm. She did all this on purpose to stop us from continuing to chat with Li Tao!"

Song Chao also calmed down and followed Ji Jing's train of thought." In other words, the asset freeze that Li Tao mentioned is very likely to be fake. This couple embezzled Mr. Li's inheritance and compensation, but when she suddenly saw us visiting, she used this method to separate Li Tao from us in a hurry."

Ji Jing nodded." Yes! That should be the case. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so agitated."

Song Chao couldn't help but get angry again." She embezzled the compensation money, but in the end, she didn't even send Li Tao to school. She even hit Li Tao. This couple is really despicable!"

Ji Jing gritted her teeth." Yeah! I was worried about Li Tao's safety. She could hit Li Tao on the street. Would she continue to hit her in the room?"

At this point, they looked out of the window at the Li family's gate at the same time, their eyes full of worry.

Song Chao panicked." What should we do? The villagers looked at us strangely. The village is very united. If we barge in, we might be ostracized by the entire village. Should we call the police?"

Ji Jing shook her head." I don't think so. We have no actual conflict with her, so the police might not care."

Ji Jing thought about this situation and could only use some special methods to get rid of it.

She took out three copper coins from her bag and asked Song Chao,""Boss Song, when you checked the information back then, did you know the names and birthdays of Wang Cui or Li Tao's uncles?"

Book 1: Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a BigshotWhere stories live. Discover now