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"Sir Ming Ze, these 2 police officers are looking for someone." Xu Tian smiled politely. There were 2 humans behind him. The younger one was called Lee Duo, & the steadier one was called Zhang Li.

They nodded cautiously & looked at the handsome youth in front of them. He only looked a little cold & distant. If it was in the past, Zhang Li would have treated him as a young man with a unique temperament without any defense. However, they had seen too many unusual things along the way just now.

Zhang Li & Lee Duo knew that they were going to cooperate with the Taoist Association this time, so they had already prepared in advance for all kinds of strange things to happen.

Especially Zhang Li, as the only old police officer in the bureau who had experience dealing with Taoism, he believed that he would not be surprised by these things that challenged his worldview.

However, when Xu Tian led them through an alley at a strange pace, they were still shocked by the scene in front of them.

The alley looked very ordinary at 1st, but when they followed Xu Tian's footsteps, they suddenly walked into a thin fog from the sun-shrouded alley. Through the thin fog, they actually saw a small courtyard that had never appeared on human maps.

A piece of land could actually appear out of thin air?! Lee Duo stomped his feet with difficulty. This land was real, it was actually real! 1 second, they were still on the asphalt ground in the city, & the next second, they were on the lawn!

"This is a smokescreen set up by the family head. He doesn't want to be disturbed," Xu Tian explained casually. "Later, u will meet the family head of the Bai Ze clan. The big demon is very long-lived. Don't be surprised by his appearance."

"Also, the big demons don't have very good tempers. Be careful with ur words & actions. Just ask what u want to ask & don't pry." This led to their caution.

However, this family head seemed to be easier to talk to than they had imagined. Ming Ze took the photos handed over by the police. They were some screenshots of the surveillance cameras. He could see Fu Jin walking in & out of Xue Meng's courtyard.

"He is Tao Tie's current guardian?" Tao Tie is with him. Ming Ze pointed at the spot next to Fu Xian in the photo. Zhang Li & Lee Duo couldn't see anything.

"But I don't know where they went."

"U... Uh, can't u sense where he is?"Lee Duo asked suspiciously.

Didn't they say that these demons had all kinds of special abilities? Moreover, he was Bai Ze. In the legends, Bai Ze knew everything in the world.

"Tao Tie's ability is not lower than mine. If he wants to hide, I won't be able to find him." Ming Ze said gently. These words could be used to fool humans, but when the little Taotie in the room heard it, its eyes almost rolled up to the sky.

"But who are these 2?" Ming Ze didn't send them away immediately after he finished speaking. Instead, he flipped to an earlier photo. There were 2 human figures on it. In Ming Ze's eyes, there was a black shadow behind one of the short & fat people.

"The 1 on the left is Xue Meng's father, & the one on the right is his father's superior, Wu Lin."Zhang Li answered.

Ming Ze pointed at Wu Lin's figure. "Perhaps u can investigate this person." with that, he folded the photo again & politely returned it to them. "That's all I know. Please go back."

"Investigate who? Wu Lin?" Lee Duo was a little confused. How could he be related to Wu Lin? He was accompanying Xue Meng's father to report the case? Zhang Li also frowned. Just as he was about to ask, their vision blurred in the next second, & the scene around them suddenly changed.

Book 1: Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a BigshotWhere stories live. Discover now