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Li Can stumbled, & the spell he was chanting was thrown into disarray. Ji Jing then threw a talisman, & before Li Can could get up, an invisible restriction suddenly rose around him.

"Damn it!" Li Can gritted his teeth & used all his strength to attack the invisible restriction.

Ji Jing & the others could see the barrier buzzing from the attacks. She frowned. Seeing that the restriction was about to be broken, she immediately cast another talisman. The sweat on her forehead increased again.

Ming Ze watched from the side, but he wasn't anxious. He knew that this wasn't Ji Jing's limit. Ming Ze was very happy to let Ji Jing participate in these dangerous experiences. He could see Ji Jing's growth every time.

Li Can knew that his plan had been exposed. It was the Taoist Association who was after him, but he couldn't give up. He hadn't completed the life-changing ritual! He was trapped by the restriction. The police were about to catch up, so he was trying his best to break through the restriction.

In a world that ordinary humans couldn't see, he circulated all his spiritual power to the limit. The restrictions around his body trembled even more violently, & there was soon hope of breaking through!

"Hold him down!" The police had already caught up to him.

He had failed.

"Cough! Cough, cough, cough!" Li Can was exhausted, & his spiritual power was overdrawn. A mouthful of blood involuntarily gushed out from his throat. His nose & mouth were instantly filled with the smell of blood.

"What's wrong with u?" The police handcuffed him mercilessly, only to find that his nose & mouth were covered in blood.

How could he bleed so much from running & falling? His internal organs fell?

The police officer was a little puzzled, but he still called 120 respectfully. He planned to follow the procedure & escort him to the police station for medical treatment.

However, when he escorted them back to the entrance, he saw a strange girl talking to their captain. The captain actually ordered him to hand the suspect over to that girl?!

What was going on?

"Don't ask too much. That's a special department." The captain patted his shoulder earnestly.

The others had no choice but to obey the captain's order. However, they doubted whether the little girl could keep an eye on the suspect.

Zhang Min had already handed over to the police in advance. Ji Jing took the certificate & successfully took down Li Can. When they turned into a blind spot, Ming Ze immediately pulled them onto the Demonic Priest.

"Li Can? How dare he kidnap 4 children in less than a week?" There were no other people or demons on the Demonic Priest, so Ji Jing threw Li Can to the ground rudely.

"Speak! Why did u kidnap the child?" Since no other demons were walking around, Bai Wang became bold again & stood at the side, pretending to be a fox using the tiger's might.

"Cough, cough!" Li Can wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve in a sorry state." U've already found out about me. Shouldn't u already know?"

Perhaps it was destined that he would never succeed. Li Can accepted his fate." I'll trade my life!" Why else?"

"U actually dare to say this so matter-of-factly? Do u know that u're stealing another person's life? Do u know how worried the parents of the missing children are?" The local god stomped his feet in anger. The prayers & pleas he had received these days were all about the pain of the child's parents.

Book 1: Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a BigshotWhere stories live. Discover now