Chapter 3

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Closing my eyes I thought of my piercing green eyes, my dark hair, my pale skin. An uncomfortable feeling ran across my body and all of a sudden there was my mums frail arms hugging me, supporting my now naked body. A chocked sob rippled through my body

"W-what am I?"


"Mum please"

I looked up at her and she had tears in her eyes but a small smile on her face. Moving my hair from in front my face, "You're beautiful baby"

"No! Tell me what I am I've never seen a wolf like that mum we don't glow and are never that white"

"You glow 'cause of your daddy"

"Dad called me a freak so it can't be 'cause of him"

She looked down and took my hand holding it tightly between hers before a tear rolled down her face and her grey eyes locked with mine.

"Lanette... me and you're dad aren't your biological parents, your mother was my sister Alana Thomas and your father Eric Matthews. Alana was a were like the rest of the family she was a Cheetah" she chuckled "Always loved the speed she did"

"W-What do you mean you're not my biological parents? Where is my mum then? And what about my dad? All you said was his name. Was he a were?"

More tears ran down her face. "Alana died 16 years ago, she was killed and your dad well um.." She paused looking down, "Eric Matthews was a pixie. He was a King"

NO! How can my dad be a pixie weres hate pixies they couldn’t get together it doesn’t work I know it doesn't it goes against everything weres believe in.

"Lanette I know it's hard to take in but you have to accept who you are don't ever hate what you are"

"How can I though everyone's gonna hate me. Pixies and Weres hate each other how could they get together if they hate each other"

"He was her mate and he was drawn to her, they fought against everything getting together and when she found out she was pregnant with you she was over the moon. Lani I had never seen her so happy. Your mum loved you with all her heart and so did your dad but no one would accept it. Your Nana and Pops kicked Ally out told her she was a disgrace and no child of theirs. Ally and Eric knew it was gonna be hard to be together with their baby girl but they did everything they could to prepare for you. They moved into their own house bought everything they needed. When Ally hit 7 months the Alpha decided that you were a threat and that you should be deposed of. Eric and his subjects where furious and prepared to fight for you. Me and Ally went to Spain and stayed in the family house until she was ready to give birth. She wanted to be home, wanted Eric there while when you came so we came back home. She gave birth the day after we landed in the safe house Eric had had set up. Ally only got to spend 3 hours with you before the pack found us. We ran hid in the basement. She made me promise Lani, promise to look after you to make sure no harm came to you to make sure they wouldn't kill you. They found us not long after and she protected you with her life. They killed her but I got to you before they did. The were that came after you first was a lion, he was beautiful and I knew straight away he was my mate. Your daddy, he had to do as I said still does and we managed to convince the Alpha you weren't a threat that we would take you in as our own but they didn't want you around. So we left, we left their community and left the country that week. Talked to Alpha Carson and he agreed to let us live here. He helped us start out and here we are now"

"W-what happened to my dad?"

"He died trying to stop them from getting to your mum"

"What about his um subjects"

"Most of them died but they few that survived as far as I know they're somewhere in the states"

"Why does dad hate me now?"

"He doesn't hate you baby girl, it's just that you never showed signs of turning so he believed that you wouldn't change at all"

"But no I have so he hates me"

"You're his little girl he'll never hate you"

"He was going to kill me if it wasn't for you he would have and I'm not even his child why would he want me"

"Lanette Julia Taylors just because you're not biologically his doesn't mean he doesn't mean he doesn't love you"


"LANETTE! Look at your brother I meet your dad when you were born"

"Wait so Jordan's not even yours?"

"Nope I have 2 beautiful children but I didn't give birth to either of them"

"So does Jordan know?"


"Where's his birth mum?"

"She died when he was 6"

"Oh why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Lanette we were going to tell you but you were too young at the time. We were gonna tell you when you were 17"

My dad hates me, I'm a freaky glowing wolf, my mum and dad aren't my parents, Jordan's not my brother and my best friend hates me. I felt my mum's arms wrap around me and I just let my tears flow. I cuddled into my mum and cried today was meant to be an amazing day and it's just caused confusion.

A/N: Hey peoples I updated XD well obviously haha. Dedicated to JoJoBoZo for being my first reader THANK YOU :DTell me what you think :D 


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