Chapter 6

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We went to Topshop, New look, Next and Forever 21without finding anything that meets Lynn's high expectations it was 'too skimpy' or 'too nunny' or just 'plain ugly'

"Urgh this is useless I need to refuel"



"Can't we just find something online?"

Lynn slapped her hand to her forehead

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Cause you're not smart like me"

She sent me a playful glare before stalking away to get her popcorn and hot chocolate from Pret. Following after her I picked up my sweet and salt popcorn and a mug of hot chocolate before sitting across from Lynn who was looking down her phone. Drinking my hot chocolate I took out my phone and went on the ASOS website scrolling through their swimwear ordering a pink and blue triangle bikini, a cut baby blue bikini with a small white bow in the middle and a black cut out swimsuit along with little things I needed like tops, jeans and a few cardigans. Finishing up the popcorn and hot chocolate Lynn called Jordan and begged him to pick us up because 'we have too many bags to get on the bus' even though we only have 2 each. Reaching home me and Lynn crashed in my room her on my laptop while I was watching the rerun or Brave.

"When are we meant to be going on this trip?"

"2 months and it’s for 6 months instead of 3 now"

"6 months! I can't stay away from mum for 6 months!"

"How do you think I feel I'm gonna be away from Jordan"

She rolled her lip drastically before laughing.

"Don't worry we're gonna be staying with this really nice family, and they have a son our age so you can get in there" She winked at me and rolled onto her back as Jordan walked in and plonked himself next to me placing a kiss on my forehead before stealing the remote and putting in on Man vs Food


"What? I'm not watching that cartoon"

"Why not all you do is watch Tom and Jerry plus it's my TV so I get to choose what I watch"

"Not at the moment little sister"

"You're so mean you're not gonna see me for 6 months and you're being mean to me"

"Aww you know I love you Lani I just love the TV more"

Hitting him in the head with a pillow he just laughed and carried on watching TV. Rolling my eyes I jumped on the bed next to Lynn to see what she was looking at. Tyler's facebook profile was up and his wall filled with pictures of him and Eris making out. Quickly exiting the window she looked at me apologetically before opening up Candy Crush. Distracting me with the ridiculously annoying but addictive game make me forget about Tyler and Eris.

"Kids! There's a pack meeting in an hour and we're leaving soon so get ready!"

Hearing mum shout up the stairs caused Lynn to jump slightly and swipe the wrong candy making us lose the game.


I slammed my head into the covers while Lynn just stared at the computer screen in shock.

"It's just a game Lanette"

"Shut up Jordan we were soooo close"

"Well just do it again"

"Just shush and leave"

"Yes Jordan leave we have to make Lanette look HOT!"

Jordan rolled his eyes but left my room as told.

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